

The Design of Power Supply for Air-Conditioning of Electric Locomotive

【作者】 毛涛涛

【导师】 邱瑞昌;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文根据合作单位和市场的要求,设计了新型的电力机车空调电源系统。论文调研了目前电力机车空调电源的需求特点,研究目的是设计出适应市场需要的电源,具有更加集成化、智能化、小型化和高功率因数等特点。电源系统主电路采用交直交拓扑结构,控制环节采用专用集成芯片和单片机相结合的方式。本课题研究内容分为以下几部分:(1)设计出功率达到5KW的有效APFC(有源功率因数校正)系统,提高了功率因数和减少装置对电力机车电源电网的污染;(2)课题成功地设计出基于UC3842的开关电源,为各个芯片提供电能,而不需要除控制电路以外的电源供电,大大加强了电路的集成化、可靠性;(3)设计了安全、稳定可靠的基于SG3525的升压斩波电路,有效地控制着电能变换的中间环节,并使直流电源达到逆变所需的指标;(4)设计出基于单片机PIC16C74的监控系统,实时检测电源各项参数值和空调压缩机的运转情况,方便、快捷地检测电源电压、电流,并及时排除故障,成功地实现了电源的智能化创新性设计,并且为电源后续的开发工作提供了新的思路;(5)在调试电路的过程当中,遇到了很多诸如EMC(电磁兼容)、动态响应等问题,论文也对遇到的类似的可靠性问题做了详细分析,并提出了解决方法;由于课题限制,本论文只对直流变换和监控系统进行具体分析,不涉及逆变环节的详细介绍。经过以上各个环节仿真及实际电路调试实验,系统的各个模块基本功能已经实现,能够满足应用于现场电源的需要。

【Abstract】 In accordance with market research, the paper mainly designs a new type of power supply system for electric locomotive air-conditioning. Research purpose of the study is designed to meet the needs of the market , a more integrated, intelligent, small and high power factor and so on. Main circuit topology apply AC-DC-AC, a combination of control areas used the integrated chips and MCU. The research is divided into the following elements:(1)Design a 5KW system to achieve the effective APFC (APFC) system to enhance the power factor and the reduction devices on the electric locomotive power grid pollution;(2)Successful design switching power supply based on the UC3842;(3)Design a safe, stable and reliable boost chopper circuit based on the SG3525, effectively controls the power transform the intermediate links, and DC power inverter to achieve the required targets;(4)Based on the design of the MCU PIC16C74 monitoring system, real-time detection of the power parameters and air-conditioning compressor operation, convenient, fast detection of power supply voltage, current and timely troubleshooting;(5)Debug circuit in the process, encountered many such as EMC (EMC), the dynamic response and other issues, the paper also encountered similar problems of reliability done a detailed analysis and proposed solutions.After over all aspects of simulation and debugging of the actual circuit, the basic function of each module has been to achieve, to meet the needs of the power system applied to the working field.

【关键词】 电源升压斩波功率因数校正单片机监控
【Key words】 Power SupplyBOOSTAPFCMicrochip-PIC
  • 【分类号】U264
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】317

