

The Research and Application of M3UA

【作者】 曾文

【导师】 范辉;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着IP技术的发展和成熟,越来越多的业务将转为在IP网上实现,未来网络是以IP为核心传送网的下一代网络(Next Generation Network,NGN)。现有的网络将逐步融合,其中IP网络和电信网络的融合已经成为不可阻挡的趋势,以软交换为核心的下一代网络是未来的发展方向。IP网络和电路交换网(SCN)的互通成为必须要面对的问题,这两个网络要实现互通必须要解决的问题之一是信令互通,于是具有信令互通功能的网关需要出现在IP网和SCN网交界处。基于这种需要,因特网工程任务组(IETF)特地成立了信令工作组(SIGTRAN)来负责设计和制定IP网上传送SCN信令的标准。IETF的SIGTRAN是用来在IP网上传送电路交换网络(SCN)信令协议的协议栈,信令网关(SG)和媒体网关控制器(MGC)通过支持它实现了两者的信令互通。在移动领域,3GPP(3rdGeneration Partnership Project)在R4版本提出了信令基于M3UA(Message Transfer Part 3-User AdaptationLayer)/SCTP(Stream Control Transmission Protocol)/IP承载的方案,彩铃IP化也就是在这个基础上来实现的。无论在移动领域还是固定领域,在SG和MGC中M3UA都成为首选的一种适配层协议。本文在下一代网络背景下,讨论了信令互通以及彩铃IP化的相关协议。主要内容如下:1、对下一代网络的特点及结构进行了分析,提出信令互通的问题,并在此基础上着重介绍了与信令互通有关的SIGTRAN协议栈,七号信令网的结构和功能。2、着重分析和和学习了SIGTRAN中的M3UA协议,对其提供的业务,功能,消息及其格式进行了阐述。并介绍了和彩铃业务实现有关的BICC协议。3、分析了M3UA的主要消息流程,各个功能模块,基于模块化思想提出了M3UA程序的整体架构。同时重点阐述了M3UA实现过程中的定时器处理,ASP/AS状态的处理,原语处理,消息处理等主要部分。4、根据彩铃IP化的要求,对其相关的业务背景和信令流程进行了描述,利用M3UA,SCTP,IP实现了在IP网上传送BICC消息。M3UA在SCN和IP网信令互通中发挥着巨大的作用,对其进行研究有着很现实的意义。其在彩铃IP化中的应用也证实了它的价值。

【Abstract】 With the development and maturation of IP technology, more and more services will be provided via IP network, and the network is the NGN (Next Generation Network) in the future, the core of which is IP transport network. Current network will be converged, especially in the convergence of IP network and telecommunication network, and the soft switch based NGN will be the direction of network development. The problem of IP network inter-working with SCN (Circuit switched Network) will be encountered, and one of the problems needed to be solved is the signaling inter-working, so the gateway which has the function of signaling inter-working need to be found in the boundary between IP network and SCN network. To meet this demand, the SIGTRAN (Signaling Transport) working group of the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) was especially founded, in charge of designing the standards for transporting SCN signaling over IP networks. SIGTRAN protocol stack of IETF is used to transport SCN signaling protocol over IP network, which is supported by SG (signaling gateway) and MGC (media gateway controller) to accomplish signaling inter-working. In the mobile domain, 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) recommended a solution of transporting signaling using M3UA (Message Transfer Part 3 - User Adaptation Layer)/SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)/EP at the release 4 version, and PRBT (Personal Ring Back Tone) over IP is realized on the basis of it. No matter in the mobile or fixed domain, M3UA is the preferred adaptation layer protocol in the SG and MGC.This paper discusses the signaling inter-working and the relevant protocols of providing PRBT service over IP in the background of NGN. The main context is as follow:1. Analyzing the characteristic and structure of the Next Generation Network, raising the problem of signaling inter-working, and on this base introducing the architecture and function of SIGTRAN protocol stack and SS7 relevant to signaling inter-working.2. Putting emphasis on studying and analyzing M3UA protocol of SIGTRAN, describing its services, functions, message, and message format, and then Introducing the BICC protocol relevant to the implementation of PRBT service.3. Analyzing the main message flow of M3UA, each function module, bringing up an overall architecture of M3UA program based on the idea of modularization, and at the same especially describing the main part of the program such as the processing of timer, ASP/AS state, primitives, and messages of protocol etc.4. Based on the demand of PRBT over IP, describing the relevant background and signaling flow, then giving an implementation of transporting BICC message over IP using M3UA, SCTP and IP.M3UA has a great effect in the inter-working between SCN and IP network, studying which has a practical meaning. M3UA also proves its value in implementing PRBT service over the IP network.

【关键词】 M3UA彩铃IP化软交换七号信令协议单元
【Key words】 M3UAPRBT over IPsoft switchSS7protocol unit
  • 【分类号】TN915
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】63

