

Design and Implementation of Switch System to Standard I/O Devices of Operating and Expressing Machines

【作者】 郑长宗

【导师】 郑伟;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机联锁系统中,操作表示机作为系统中重要的人机交互界面,是接收值班员的控制命令、站场设备状态的关键部件。为提高可靠性,操作表示机采用双机热备模式,其标准I/O设备如鼠标、键盘、显示器、音频设备等为单套。标准I/O设备切换系统通过对操作表示机的主从裁决,实现单套标准I/O设备在两台操作表示机间使用权的无缝切换,节约了操作表示台的设备,方便了调度人员的操作。切换系统也采用双机热备模式,通过故障自诊断实现了自身主从裁决,提高了操作表示层的可靠性,进而提高计算机联锁系统的可靠性。国内相关技术设备处于初级应用阶段。各型号计算机联锁系统的切换系统设计原理相似,具体实现却各有特色,但都存在标准I/O设备易于丢失、信号易受干扰等问题,在应用中容易影响调度人员的操作,进而影响系统的可靠性、可用性。本文针对切换系统功能不完善这一技术现状,以JT-DE计算机联锁系统为应用背景,集中分析了切换系统的工作机理及功能需求,设计了双机热备结构的标准I/O设备切换系统,研制了系统软件硬件。论文的主要工作包括:第一,介绍了切换系统的研究背景、应用现状,分析了系统对外的、自身的功能需求,设计了系统的总体方案,划分了系统的层次结构,演绎了系统的逻辑设计过程,提出了系统的功能分解方案。第二,基于计算机联锁机柜结构,设计了系统硬件物理结构;通过对系统组织协调级的硬件功能需求分析,研制了实现裁决、控制、采集与通信的主控板;通过对系统执行级各单元功能需求分析,研制了实现切换鼠标键盘信息的鼠标切换板,实现切换音频信息的音频切换板,实现切换视频信号的视频切换板。第三,在系统组织协调级的软件功能需求分析基础上,编制了实现裁决主从、同步、故障诊断处理的主控板软件,在鼠标切换板的功能需求分析基础上,编制了实现鼠标键盘模拟与鼠标键盘操作信息转发的鼠标切换板软件。第四,以JT-DE计算机联锁系统为应用背景,通过对系统调试原理、调试方法、调试环境、调试过程、调试结果的分析,结合系统软硬件研制的原理,完成了切换系统的试验及现场调试,验证了系统性能。

【Abstract】 As the man machine interface in the computerized interlocking-control system (CIS), the operating and expressing (O&E) machines play a key role in receiving command and devices’ states. To improve reliability, the dual-hot-backup mode is used by the (O&E) machines, which use only one set of standard I/O devices (mouse, keyboard, monitor, audio device etc.). I/O devices’ access switch between the dual O&E machines is realized by the switch system, which reduces the fixture and facilitates the operation. The dual-hot-backup mode is used by the switch system too, and the reliability of O&E lay and CIS is improved.Related technology devices in China are in the initial application stage, and they are similar in system design, but different in implementation, which need to be unified. All devices have problems of I/O device miss and signal interference, which may affect the operation and the system reliability & availability. A set of hot-backup structure switch system was designed based on the application background of the JT-DE CIS and the switch system functional requirement analysis. System’s hardware and software were developed.The main works of this paper are as following:Firstly, the system research background and application status was introduced; the system external and its own functional requirements were analyzed; the system scheme was designed; the system hierarchy was delaminated; the logic of system design process was interpreted, and the system functional decomposition was proposed.Secondly, the system hardware architecture was designed based on the cabinet structure of CIS; the main-control PCB for control, communication & state acquisition was developed based on the hardware functional analysis of organizing & coordinating lay; the mouse switch PCB for mouse and keyboard message switch, the audio switch PCB for audio switch, and the video switch circuit board for video switch were developed based on the functional analysis of implementation lay units.Thirdly, the main-control PCB software for ruling, fault diagnosis, communication, synchronization, control & state acquisition was developed based on the software functional requirement analysis of organizing & coordinating lay, and the mouse switch PCB software for mouse keyboard simulation & message transmitting were developed based on the software functional requirement analysis of mouse switch PCB. Fourthly, based on the application background of the JT-DE CIS, the switch system debugging in the laboratory and the locale were completed through analysis of system debugging principle, method, condition, process & result, and the system performance was validated.

  • 【分类号】U284.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】62

