

Study and Development of Maintenance MIS of Multiple Units

【作者】 李彦青

【导师】 宋永增;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 车辆工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 高速铁路的建设以及客运高速化不仅仅是一个国家铁路技术发展水平的重要标志,也是当今世界铁路的共同发展趋势。针对铁路快速客运网发展规划的要求,铁道部加快了铁路装备现代化的步伐,引进了四种动车组。虽然铁道部已经针对已开行的国产高速动车组拟定了修程修制方案,它基本上是国外原形动车组修程修制的简单综合,其中没有考虑到我国动车组的实际运行条件,方案中存在诸多需要补充与完善之处。由于我国高速铁路起步相对较晚,在高速动车组运用与维修方面面临着先期经验严重匮乏的客观现实,目前制定的修程修制是否科学合理,尚无科学系统的评价方法;而且动车组是高新技术的集成体、技术含量高,其运用与维修方式与现行的客货车辆都有较大差异,因此,开发动车组维修管理信息系统已成为当务之急。本课题开发了动车组维修管理信息系统。该系统使用Visual C++语言为集成开发平台,在windows环境下进行开发。参照HMIS公用数据编码规范,设计并建立了零件编码管理模块,实现零件编码自动生成功能;根据可靠性理论中数据的收集方法,确定了维修记录收集原则,建立了维修记录管理模块;继而,利用可靠性理论及数理统计方法中对数据的统计分析,建立了数据统计分析、故障分析模块,实现了对零部件故障数据的统计、寿命分布规律的选择及对维修周期的预测。本系统的开发,为研究动车组故障信息提供了一个系统平台,为未来的深层次评价动车组修程修制打下基础,加强了动车组的技术管理以及技术分析,加快了高速铁路现代化建设的进程。

【Abstract】 The contribution of high-speed railway and passenger high-speed orientation is a milestone for railway technology in our country. And it also becomes the main direction of railway technology development all over the world. According to the needs of development and programming of railway passenger line, MOR speeds up the process of equipment modernization. Due to that, four types of multiple units are introduced.MOR has instituted maintenance schemes for multiple units, but basically it’s the synthesization of foreign multiple units maintenance schemes, which didn’t consider domestic actual running conditions, so there are many disadvantages in the schemes. Because Chinese high-speed railway was built a few years ago, so China is short of experience on multiple units running and maintenance, and China hasn’t scientific evaluation system for the schemes’ rationality evaluation; multiple units is the integration of advanced technology, and it’s running and maintenance modes differ from domestic wangons and passenger cars, so the development of MIS on maintenance of multiple units components is very urgent.MIS on maintenance of multiple units was developed in this topic. The system was developed in windows environment by using Visual C++ language as the integrated development platform. Referring to HMIS public data coding criterion, parts coding management module was designed and established, and parts coding automatic generation function was realized. According to the data collection methods in the reliability theory, maintenance record collection principle was determined, and maintenance record management module was established. Then, by using reliability theory and mathematical statistics method, data statistic analysis and malfunction analysis modules were established, and components failure data statistics, choosing of life distribution law, and predicting of maintenance period were realized.Development of this system provided a system platform for studying on the failure information of EMU,laid a foundation for the further evaluation on repair class and repair system of EMU ,and enhanced the technology management and analysis, quickened modern construction of Chinese high-speed railway.

  • 【分类号】U266;U269
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】389

