

Research on the Leasing Cooperation’s Development Strategy in China

【作者】 张云丰

【导师】 史振磊;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 租赁业作为一个新兴的行业,它的兴起与发展打破了传统信贷和金融机构体系的束缚,为金融体制的改革注入了新的活力。金融体制改革要求金融机构和信贷方式从过去比较单一和集中,向多元化、多形式方向发展,以形成一个以中央银行为领导的、以国有商业银行为主体的各种金融机构并存和分工协作的金融体系;并使信用方式和金融工具适应市场经济的需要而相应发展。租赁机构是整个金融体系中一种新兴的非银行信用机构,它的建立为中国的金融业注入了竞争机制;也使生产企业在技术改造上对金融方式和贸易方式有了新的选择。本文共分五个部分,第一部分是引言,主要包括论文研究背景、目的、意义、研究框架及国内外研究现状。第二部分为我国租赁业的现状,包括我国租赁业现存的问题、种类和市场规模等。第三部分以上海世博会为例,对租赁也进行深入分析。第四部分是我国租赁业今后的挑战及对策,针对我国目前的问题,和加入WTO后的挑战提出了几点对策和今后的努力发展方向。第五部分为结论部分,对全文进行总结,并对我国租赁业的前景展望。本文运用管理学、人力资源开发与管理理论,企业战略研究理论,采取实证研究方法,通过对本人十几年的从业经验,对我国租赁业的发展和前景提出了自己的一些看法。本文对我国租赁行业的现状及其发展战略作了深入地研究,并以上海世博会为例研究,辐射国内其他租赁企业,发现其共性和特点,希望能为其他租赁企业提供一点学习借鉴的参考之处。

【Abstract】 Leasing industry has now become an internationally well-known modern industry. However, due to serious competition in the market, the changing of market environment and all kinds of challenges appearing in the future, so lease cooperation must make great progress everyday. The thesis makes a deep study and analysis of the company from the Development strategy aspect with the knowledge on management and human resource management as well as empirical research.This thesis firstly introduces the national and international background of leasing industry development and puts forward the research issues and framework. Then the theoretical foundation of development strategy is put forward. The third part discusses the current condition of human resource management in leasing cooperation including the problems and some special management issues. The fourth part discusses the human resource development strategic choices of leasing cooperation including the human resource planning strategy, the performance assessment strategy, employee training strategy and corporate culture strategy. The fifth part is the strategic execution of leasing cooperation’s development strategy. And the last part is the conclusion of the whole thesis and future research direction.

【关键词】 租赁中小企业发展策略
【Key words】 Development StrategyOperating LeaseCooperation
  • 【分类号】F832.49
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】198

