

On the Legal Basic Theory of Interest Articulation and Its Legal System Building

【作者】 李丹

【导师】 刘泽军;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 法学理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 利益表达是现代政治学的一个基本范畴。然而,在国内已有的法学文献中,涉及“利益表达”的研究并不多。本文在法学的视角下,通过比较分析、实证分析等研究方法论证我国利益表达的法理基础及制度构建。利益表达的法学意义上的概念是:一定的利益表达主体,通过确定的表达渠道,按照民主参与、公平正义、平等协商的原则,对关系到自身利益的事件,提出利益诉求,并以实现这种利益诉求为目标的制度。此概念中不仅体现出利益表达的特征:“表达主体的多元性”、“表达渠道的确定性”和“表达内容的广泛性”,同时也体现出利益表达制度构建的基本原则:“参与原则”、“公平正义原则”和“平等协商原则”。本文在法理学的视角下,提出利益表达的法理基础:民主理论、公平正义理论和平衡理论。通过对我国利益表达的现状分析:分别从利益表达主体、利益表达对象、利益表达渠道等方面入手进行分析,从而进一步揭示出隐藏在这些表象背后的本质:现行利益表达制度的欠缺。通过这些制度缺陷的浮出水面,并在上述三个基本原则的指导下,提出对利益表达的制度设计。包括:利益表达制度的平等化、利益表达制度的渠道设计、法律机制和社会机制。最后,在这一普遍性的利益表达制度设计的基础上,关注我国现存特殊领域的利益表达,即弱势群体的利益表达。在制度层面上,主要是要增加弱势群体的政治参与;在观念层面上,主要是提高弱势群体的文化素质、加强对其的法律保障。

【Abstract】 Interest articulation is a fundamental category of modern political science. But, in some legal documents of China, relate to "interest articulation" are not much. Analyze interest articulation within the legal visual angle in this paper. On the legal significance the concept of interest articulation is, certain interest articulation main body, passing ascertaining interest articulation channel, the principle according to democratic participation, impartial justice, consultation on the basis of equality, suggest that interest demand to realize this interest demand. Embody out characteristic of interest articulation in this concept: "multivariate of main body" "determinacy of channel" "universality of content". At the same time also embody out the basic principle of interest articulation in system building: "participation principle" "impartial justice principle" and "equal principle". The legal basic theory of interest articulation is democratic theory, impartial justice theory and equal theory. This paper points out the problems in our country’s practice of interest articulation. Therefore, revealing out its nature is the system shortcoming of interest articulation. Three principles guide system building of interest articulation. It includes the balance of system, channel design of interest articulation, law mechanism and society mechanism. Interest articulation of vulnerable group is very important. Increase participation in political affairs of the vulnerable group and improve vulnerable group culture quality and reinforce the law guarantee.

【关键词】 利益利益表达制度基础理论
【Key words】 interestinterest articulationsystembasic theory
  • 【分类号】D90
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】337

