

【作者】 张振涛

【导师】 陈丽珍;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 国际贸易学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国微型轿车市场是我国轿车市场的一个重要组成部分,同时微型轿车也是我国轿车出口的主力军。但随着国内轿车发展趋势的变化,国内微型轿车发展逐渐落后于其它细分轿车市场,且发展形势愈发严峻。由于微型轿车在我国轿车出口中占有举足轻重的地位,因此这一问题如果不能得到尽早解决,将对于微型轿车海外市场的拓展产生深远影响,甚至对我国未来轿车出口形势产生重要的影响。有鉴于此,在全面了解我国微型轿车业的现状、存在的问题以及面临的形势的基础上客观分析微型轿车业竞争力状况,以便提出提升竞争力水平的对策。此项研究不仅对于我国微型轿车业的发展具有现实意义,同时对于微型轿车出口发展具有长远意义。本文围绕微型轿车业竞争力这一理论主线,首先介绍了竞争优势理论以及相关的竞争力评价方法;在此基础上,本文应用波特的“五力模型”构建微型轿车业竞争力评价指标体系,将微型轿车业竞争力评价指标分为五个部分,即内部竞争强度指标、替代品威胁指标、新进入者威胁指标、买方实力指标和供方实力指标。其次本文应用层次分析法对于收集的数据进行整理分析,并对于数据分析的结果进行归纳总结,同时提出微型轿车业发展过程中面临的问题,包括产业规模、技术水平和国内市场营销等方面的问题。最后本文根据微型轿车业面临的国际形势和国内形势,从企业和政府两个层面出发提出了增强微型轿车业竞争力的主要措施和途径:一方面,企业要提升产品质量,力争实现营销模式的战略转变,即由简单的“价格竞争模式”向“价格、技术和管理的综合竞争模式”的转变;另一方面,政府要为微型轿车业的发展创造出良好的外部环境,包括创造公平的竞争环境,从政策上支持企业的自主创新,改善轿车消费环境,建立健全企业、科研机构和高等院校的多方协作机制,以及加强与出口目的国的政府的联系,保障出口企业在当地市场的合法权益等。

【Abstract】 Our country’s mini-car market is an important part of our country’s car market; meanwhile mini-car is the main force of the car exportation. But along with the development of internal car market, the internal mini-car market fall behind other subsection of car market. And the situation becomes severer. Mini-car exportation holds the balance in our country’s car exportation. If the problem cannot be settled as soon as possible, there will be far-reaching influence in opening up mini-car’s oversea market, even important impact on our country’s car exportation in future. On the base of analyzing the competence of mini-car industry, we know the current situation of our country’s mini-car industry and existing problems, so that bring forward Countermeasures of upgrading our country’s mini-car’s competence. This research not only has realistic meaning for the development of our mini-car industry, but also has long-term significance in exportation of mini-cars.This article circumfuses the theory masterstroke of the competence of mini-car industry. Firstly, it introduces the theory of competence superiority and evaluating method of related competence. On the base of that, the article constructs the index system of evaluating the competence of mini-car industry, by using "five strength model" of Porter. The index system of evaluating the competence of mini-car industry has five parts, namely index of internal competent intension, Substitute threat index, new entrant threat index, buyer strength index and seller strength index. Secondly this text uses sorting analysis for collecting and analyzing the data, and concludes the outcome of data analysis. Meanwhile the article puts forward problems which the mini-car industry will face in the process, include problems of industry scale, technique level and local market marketing etc. Finally, according to the international and domestic situation faced by mini-car industry, this paper finally offers the channels and the major measures to strengthen competition ability of mini-car industry, from the two aspects of enterprise and government: On the one hand, enterprise need to promote products’ quality, and work hard to realize the strategic change of marketing pattern, that is the change from simple "price competitive pattern" to "the comprehensive competitive pattern of price, technology and management"; On the other hand, government should create good outside environment for the development of the mini-car industry, including creating the fair competitive environment, support to autonomous innovation from policy, improvement of car consumer environment, establishment and improvement the multi-parts cooperation mechanism among enterprise, research organization and higher college, as well as to strengthen the connection with the government of exports destiny country, to guarantee the legal rights and interests of export enterprise in local market etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】F426.471
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】221

