

An Analysis on the Poverty Gap in Current Society of China and the Countermeasures

【作者】 何媛

【导师】 钱兆华;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 1978年改革开放以来,中国经济取得了巨大成就,但是在经济高速发展的同时也引发了一系列棘手的社会矛盾,这些这会矛盾已经直接影响到我国和谐社会的构建。而贫富悬殊现象就是当前我国社会中的突出矛盾之一。根据权威部门的测算,中国社会目前的基尼系数大约在0.452-0.467之间,这表明中国居民收入差距已经非常悬殊,超过了国际公认的警戒线。值得指出的是,有人认为,由于统计标准不同,中国的基尼系数实际上比目前政府公布的数字还要大。毋庸质疑,中国社会的贫富悬殊必然会给整个社会的各个领域造成严重的不良影响。例如,贫富悬殊会导致犯罪成本降低,从而非常容易诱发盗窃、抢劫、诈骗等犯罪现象;贫富悬殊会导致广大低收入人群对党的改革开放政策的抵触情绪,从而影响党的执政基础和执政能力;贫富悬殊会导致众多弱势群体对社会公平、社会正义的怀疑,从而直接影响政府的公信力,影响社会稳定,影响和谐社会的构建。那么,为什么中国从改革开放前的平均主义占主导的社会经过不到三十年的时间,贫富差距就变得如此悬殊呢?这主要是由于中国在改革开放以来,尤其是在推行社会主义市场经济以来,非但没有取消城乡户籍二元制,实行教育公平、就业公平、社会保障、社会医疗保险公平、税赋公平,大力推行公平自由竞争,反而在一系列公共政策的制定上不自觉地向强势群体倾斜,这就人为地放大了贫富之间的“马太效应”。而这种“马太效应”形成中的人为因素正是社会中广大弱势群体怀疑社会公平、正义,对党的有关改革开放政策持抵触情绪的主要根源。因此,我们要想构建和谐社会,提高党的执政能力,就必须采取有效措施尽可能缩小中国社会的贫富差距。首先,我们必须以社会公平为原则制定各项政策,让每个市场主体都能公平地参与社会竞争;其次,我们必须坚决取消像城乡户籍二元制、国家公务员招聘中的地域限制等明显不合理的,不适应市场经济社会健康发展的政策措施;再次,在制定公共政策时,我们必须有意识地向社会弱势群体倾斜,让他们享受更多的实惠;最后,我们必须完善对社会弱势群体的社会保障制度和医疗保险制度,并大力促进慈善事业的发展。我们要通过这些政策措施的推行,努力缩小贫富差距,以期为和谐社会的构建提供坚实的基础。

【Abstract】 China’s economy has made a great leap since the opening and reforming in 1978. However, with the rapid growing economic developing arise many social issues, which have direct impact on building a harmonious society. Poverty gap is one of the most prominent issues in China’s current society.According to the research of the authoritative departments, the Gini coefficient of current China’s society is among about 0.452 and 0.467. The data suggests that China has a great income difference, as the Gini coefficient is far above the generally accepted international safe line. Worth noting is that, some remarks that China’s Gini coefficient is virtually larger than that of officially announced for different statistic standards.Undoubtedly, the wide poverty gap in China’s society may inevitably have an unhealthy effect on every class of the entire society. For instance, it may reduce of crime cost, whereas cause easily the crime of theft, robbery, cheating and even blackmail; it may cause the unfriendly atmosphere to the reforming and opening policy from the low income group so that rocks the political base and weakens the governing power; it may shake-up the basic faith on social justice and fairness from the vast weak group, and accordingly affects the public credibility, unstable the society and even affects the establishment of the harmonious society.Why does the poverty gap become so large in less than three decades from the equalitarianism before the reform and opening? It is mainly because the binary urban and suburban census register system is not abolished for fair opportunities of education, employment, social security, and Medicare since reform and opening, especially when the socialist market economic system started. On the contrary, more public policies, for the advantage of the strong group are put into effect. As a result, the Matthew Effect of the rich and the poor is made into being, the artificial factors which lead to the effect are exactly the essential cause that brings to the weak group the doubt about social fairness and injustice, and the contradict atmosphere at the reform and opening policy.Therefore, significant measures should be taken to narrow the poverty gap, if China expect to establish a harmonious society and improve the political level. First, policies should be made out under the principle of social fairness, so that every mainstay in the market could be able to fairly join into the social competitive; Secondly, irrational systems and rules such as binary urban and suburban census register system and regional discriminations in the recruitment of civil service staff, should be abolished to agree with the healthy developing of market economic society; Thirdly, public policies should be made for protecting the benefits of the weak group; Lastly but not less importantly, the social security system and Medicare system for the weak group should be improved, and charity agents should be encouraged. The above measures for narrowing the poverty gap should better be made into effect immediately so as to establish a solid foundation for the build of a harmonious society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】F124.7
  • 【下载频次】406

