

The Study on the Professional Negligent Action of the Physician

【作者】 顾胤杰

【导师】 刘同君;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 精神病与精神卫生, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 医师专家过失侵权,是指医师基于专家过失对患者的人身权益造成损害的侵权行为。医师专家过失侵权理论,在理论的内涵上包含了“专家责任”、“责任竞合”、“侵权责任”、“医师的专家过失”、“医师专家过失的判断标准”等多方面内容。其中,“专家责任”是指,具有专门知识或技能的专业人员,在其向委托人提供专业服务、履行其专业职能的过程中,因违反专家的基本义务而不当执业,提供的服务存在缺陷致人损害而由专家个体或其执业机构依法承担的民事责任;责任竞合是指,行为人的民事责任兼具违约责任和侵权责任的双重属性;侵权责任是指,行为人因其行为或物件致他人损害的事实发生后所应承担的侵权责任;医师的专家过失是指,医师基于专家的身份其执业行为未达到医疗活动领域内一般医师所应达到的行为标准,未尽一般医师通常应尽的注意义务;医师专家过失的判断标准是指,对医师的行为加以评价从而衡量其过失之存否的具体标准。为求理论体系的严谨及完整,作者在研究思路上遵循了由一般到特殊,由抽象到具体,同时重点突出的方法。本文,首先于专家责任的理论框架内,对专家责任主体的身份特性、专家责任的竞合、专家责任的归责原则以及各国对专家责任问题的处理模式等基本法律问题和法律现象进行了逐一详解和介绍,以求在融入专家责任共性的基础上,探究医师专家责任的个性问题。对于国内医师的专家责任问题,若从应然和实然两个层面加以考察,再结合比较法上的观点,则可以得出更适宜将之纳入侵权法领域来加以规制,并且,在责任的归责原则上宜采用过错责任原则的结论。对于医师的专家过失问题,作者在对民法领域的主观过错说、客观过错说及过错的主观判断标准、客观判断标准进行比较和作评后提出,医师的专家过失应当采用客观判断标准的观点。而在进行过失标准的具体构建时,应当在首先遵循价值合理性原则、可操作性原则、适时性原则、统一性原则及可容性危险原则的基础上,再结合权利与义务的辨证观进行合理的设置。

【Abstract】 The professional negligent action of the physician ,is the negligent action caused by its medical malpractice that aggress the patient’ s human rights. The theory of the professional negligent action of the physician is a buildup of professional liability and the liability of tort and the physician’s professional negligence and of course the criterion of the physician’s professional negligence. There into, the professional liability is the liability been charged with the specialist for its violation of regard obligation; the liability of tort is the liability been charged with the actor whose action and thing caused the damage; the physician’s professional negligence is the negligence caused by its action acting against the regard obligation; the criterion of the physician’s professional negligence is the material criterion of the physician’s negligence judging by its professional action.And for the preciseness and integrity of the system info ,the ways and the means of the article advisement ,is from common and abstract to specialties and embodiment. At the same time the article also pay attention to the keystone. In the front of the article the author listed below the character of the specialist and the complex liability of the specialist and the principle of imputation of the specialist and also the practice of professional liability in the worldwide nations.In the author’s opinion, the domestic professional liability of the physician is not should be but also has already been brought into the domain of the law of tort for adjustment. And when discussing the choice of the principle of imputation of the physician’s professional liability ,we thought it should be the liability with fault rather than the no-fault liability or billigkeitshaftung.And when talking over the professional negligence of the physician, it should be firstly referred to the theory of subjective and impersonal negligence and its criterion in the domain of civil law system. Then we can get the answer that the criterion must be the impersonal criterion that keeps to several principle such as rational and exercisable and timely and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】D922.16
  • 【下载频次】82

