

A Research on the Management of Government Image during Public Crisis

【作者】 丁猛猛

【导师】 曹蓉;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着经济和社会的转型,我国进入了一个公共危机的高频率发生期。公共危机正以极大的力度和广度冲击并影响着全社会,它不仅导致社会财富与生命的损失、经济环境的破坏,甚至还会引发政府合法性的丧失以及政局的动荡等灾难性后果。公共危机管理是非常态的管理,此时公众对政府形象的认识是不稳定的,对政府的期望值也在不断增加。这就要求政府不仅要建立体制完备、高效运行的社会统一公共危机管理体系和应急机制,及时、有效地处理各类突发公共危机事件,而更为重要的是构建应对公共危机的现代政府新形象。政府形象是社会公众对政府总体表现与客观效应所形成的综合印象,是公众对政府整体素质、能力以及绩效的认知和评价。良好的政府形象是政府的无形资产,也是政府发挥效能的重要前提。政府形象问题是一个具有重要研究价值的课题,在公共危机中,良好的政府形象能够减少社会混乱,提高政府危机决策的认同感,增强政府危机动员能力。当前我国公共危机中的政府形象管理还存在着形象意识不强、公关系统不完善以及信息沟通渠道不畅等问题,与理想中的政府形象还有较大差距。基于此,本论文从阐述基本的概念出发,借鉴前人理论,结合中国实际,运用系统的分析方法,将政府形象置于公共危机的广阔视角进行研究。在分析公共危机与政府形象关系的基础上,论文探讨了目前我国公共危机管理中政府形象建设的现状与困境,提出了危机中政府形象管理的原则并从规划、传播、控制、反馈和调整五个方面阐述了优化公共危机中政府形象的管理措施。

【Abstract】 Following along with the transformation of economy and society, our country entered into a period of public crisis which has a high frequency. The public crisis is affecting the entire society with great intensity and breadth. It not only causes the public wealth and the life’s loss, the destruction of economic environment, but also induces the disastrous consequences such as the loss of legitimacy and the political turmoil. The public crisis management is a non-normal management, and at this time the public’s awareness of the government image is unstable, the public’s expectations to the government has also increased. This requires the establishment of the efficient system of the government’s public crisis management and the emergency mechanism, requires the handling of all types of emergencies timely, effectively and steadily. But more important is the creating of the modern image of government that dealing with public crises.The government image is the comprehensive impression which forms with the public’s impression to the government’s overall performance and the objective effect. It is the cognition and evaluation of public to the government’s overall quality, comprehensive ability and performance. A good government image is government’s intangible asset, which is also an important precondition for the effectiveness of the government. The question of government image is an important topic which has researching value. In the public crisis, the good government image can reduce the chaos of society, increase the identity of the decision-making of government in crisis and enhance the government’s ability to mobilize in the crisis.In the current our country’s management of government image still has many questions such as the weakness of the image sense, the scanty of public relations idea as well as the obstruction of the information communication channel. The paper embarks from the elaboration of basic theory, puts the government image in the viewpoint of public crisis to conduct the research. At the foundation of analyzing the relations of public crisis and government image, the paper discusses the current situation and dilemma of the government image’s construction during the period of public crisis in our country. Finally the paper proposes the principles and the measures of government image management which include five aspects as follows, plan, propagation, control, feedback and adjustment to optimize the management of government image during the period of public crisis.

【关键词】 公共危机政府形象危机公关
【Key words】 public crisisgovernment imagecrisis P.R.
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】1933

