

A Study on the Establishment of Ad Hoc Arbitration in China

【作者】 耿燕飞

【导师】 曾加;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 仲裁制度起源于临时仲裁,并且在相当长的时间内临时仲裁是仲裁制度的唯一方式,即使在机构仲裁风靡全球、日益发达的今天,临时仲裁仍以其程序灵活、费用低廉、快速高效的优势,备受当事人的青睐。并且临时仲裁在国际社会上也得到了普遍的承认和尊重,然而我国1995年颁布实施的《中华人民共和国仲裁法》对仲裁协议的生效要件作了严格规定,以至于间接地否定了临时仲裁在我国的合法性。多元化的社会需要多元化的争议解决方式,临时仲裁的欠缺已给我国仲裁业的健康发展带来了巨大的阻碍。本文正是基于此,选择临时仲裁制度作为研究对象,对临时仲裁制度的若干理论问题和具体实践进行分析探讨,提出在我国建立临时仲裁制度的现实意义和若干构想,以期在我国能够早日设立临时仲裁制度。本文围绕临时仲裁制度,从其概念和历史发展入手,首先分析临时仲裁制度的优越性,再通过对临时仲裁制度的现状进行考察和分析,研究并探讨了临时仲裁制度在我国设立的现实意义,并对我国临时仲裁制度的设立提出了相应的立法构思。除绪论和研究结论外,全文共分四部分。第一部分:是概括性的论述,主要界定临时仲裁的概念。第二部分:考察临时仲裁制度的现状,包括在国际社会上的现状和在我国的现状。首先分析临时仲裁制度在国际社会中的立法规定和实践运作状况。旨在阐明临时仲裁在国际社会得到了普遍尊重和立法支持,其运行机制亦日渐完善。然后考察了临时仲裁制度在我国的现状。第三部分:具体分析临时仲裁制度的立法规定,以及造成我国临时仲裁制度缺失的弊端和成因。第四部分:分析我国确立临时仲裁制度的重大现实意义,并在此基础上具体提出在我国建立临时仲裁制度的若干构想。具体包括仲裁协议、仲裁员、仲裁庭、仲裁裁决的承认与执行等几方面,希望能对我国仲裁业的发展有所裨益。

【Abstract】 The arbitration system origins from Ad hoc arbitration and has been the only form of arbitration system for a long time. Even though the institutional arbitration system has swept over the world and has been more fashionable, the Ad hoc arbitration has still received rather favorite for its flexibility and efficiency. And the Ad hoc arbitration also obtained the universal acknowledgement and the respect in the international community. However, our Arbitration Law didn’t regulate the Ad hoc arbitration system for its condition for validity of arbitration agreement. Multivariate society needs multivariate dispute settlement resolution, the absence of Ad hoc arbitration hinders the healthy development of arbitration of china. Therefore, the thesis chooses Ad hoc arbitration system as its research object and analyzes some theoretical and practical problems, then proposes the practical significance and some conception on how to establish Ad hoc arbitration in China.Centering on Ad hoc arbitration, the thesis is based on its concept and developments, and analyzes the advantages of Ad hoc arbitration. After studying the practice in the world and in China, the thesis provides some tentative ideas on how to design Ad hoc arbitration in China.Besides preface and final words, the thesis consists of 4 parts, about 33,000 characters.Part I is introduction, mainly explains the concept of Ad hoc arbitration.Part II inspects the present stations in the international community and in China. After analyzing the legislation and the practice of Ad hoc arbitration in the international society and in China.Part III the thesis provides the reasons of absence of Ad hoc arbitration of Chinese arbitration legislation as well as the negative influence of the absence of Ad hoc arbitration.Part IV analyzes the practical significance of introduction of Ad hoc arbitration in Chinese commercial arbitration as well as some designs on Chinese Ad hoc arbitration system, which includes its arbitration agreements, arbitrator, arbitration tribunal and the recognition and enforcement of the Ad hoc arbitration awards.

【关键词】 临时仲裁现状缺失设立
【Key words】 Ad hoc ArbitrationPresent ConditionsAbsenceEstablishment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】D925.7
  • 【下载频次】210

