

Analysis on Differences between Cities and Countries in China in View of Social Welfare

【作者】 陈天天

【导师】 安立仁;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 国民经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济增长过程中,城乡之间,地区之间出现一定的发展差距是很正常的。但如果这种差距过大,就不可避免的会影响整个经济的发展速度和质量,并带来政治、社会等很多方面的问题。造成城乡差距的原因很多,从表层看,农民增收难,增收慢是城乡差距扩大的主要原因。从历史角度看,非均衡发展战略造成农村在各个方面落后于城市。但从深层次看,城乡分割的“二元”制度是城乡差距扩大的根本原因。其中,城乡非均等化的公共服务是城乡差距扩大的重要因素。公共需求的快速增长与公共产品的严重短缺和公共服务的不到位在农村表现得尤为突出,农村公共服务体制建设的滞后不仅导致城乡名义收入差距的扩大,而且实际收入也在不断扩大。本文将着重从社会福利水平来分析中国城乡差距,社会的福利水平主要由两个方面来体现,分别是城乡人均占有的私有产品和公共产品,其中私有产品主要由收入来衡量,公共产品主要由教育,医疗,养老保障这几个方面来体现。进而对公共服务体制引起城乡差距进行讨论,并从公共服务体制建设上提出缓解城乡差距的对策建议。此外,本论文还采用了图表法,使叙述简单明了的同时,增强了论文的说服力。本文共包括五章,第一章为导论,主要简述选题的意义、文献综述、研究的方法和思路等。第二章为评述,叙述中国城乡差距的现状,主要从两个角度来评述,一是从人均收入的角度看城乡人均私有产品占有的差距;然后从三个方面看城乡人均公共产品的占有差距:城乡人均教育经费的差距、城乡人均医疗经费的差距、城乡人均养老经费的差距。第三章为理论分析,主要分析造成这些现象的政策原因。第四章为数据分析,定量分析城乡差距的实际现状,主要从四个角度来进行分析:收入差距分析、教育经费差距、医疗经费差距、养老保障经费差距。第五章针对教育、医疗、养老提出政策建议,并做出了简短的总结。

【Abstract】 It is usual that there will be some differences on development between cities and countries when the economy grows. However, if the differences are too salient, they will affect the development speed and quality of the whole economy unavoidably, furthermore, they will cause many political and social problems. There are many reasons to produce such differences. At a first glance, the major reason which enlarges the differences between cities and countries is that peasants are difficult to increase their income quickly. In a historic viewpoint, non-uniform development strategy induces that development in rural areas is far behind that in cities in many aspects. However, the duality which divides countries and cities is the major reason enlarging differences between cities and countries. An important issue is non-uniform public service between cities and countries. The lag of system construction of rural public service not only enlarges the gap between gross income in cities and countries, but also expanding the difference between real incomes.In this thesis, we will analyze differences between cities and countries in China in view of social welfare. Social welfare consists in two parts, average private products and average public products. Private products are mainly incomes, and public products include education insurance, medical insurance, and endowment insurance. Furthermore, we will discuss the public service system which may cause differences between cities and countries. Finally, we will provide some strategy and suggestions to reduce differences between cities and countries based on construction for public service system. In the thesis, we use a lot of tables and diagrams which not only simplify the presentation but also are helpful for our arguments.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】F124.7
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】769

