

A Pragmatic Study of Question’s Funtions in Casual Conversations

【作者】 曹晓利

【导师】 甘世安;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 外国语言学与应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,作为日常会话重要组成部分的疑问句,由于其多功能性以及功能识别的复杂性,备受语言学家的关注。但大多研究的焦点是疑问句在会话组织中的功能以及在机构会话中的使用。本研究则以日常会话中的疑问句为研究对象,通过探讨疑问句功能的识别与分类,分析其使用的顺应特点,以揭示疑问句产生与理解的潜在机制。本研究以Verschueren(2000)的语言顺应论为理论基础来揭示日常会话疑问句的顺应性使用。疑问句的使用是一个选择的过程,各种相关的语言因素可以用来识别疑问句的功能。这些功能识别标记包括语音、词汇、句式、会话结构、以及答语标记。语言语境虽然具有稳定性和可控性特点,但是仅靠这些不足以完全确定疑问句的功能。通过结合语言语境与其他语境因素,结合使用者的意图,疑问句的功能可分为三大类:信息类功能、表达类功能和动作类功能。疑问句功能的实现、交际目的的完成,是语言形式和语境相互作用的结果。所以,疑问句的使用是一个语言形式顺应各种语境因素的过程。疑问句使用具有语境适应性和策略性,说话人经常依据语境情况调整自己的问句形式;使用疑问句可以实施消极礼貌策略,也可以实施积极礼貌策略。此研究的意义在于:一方面有助于更好的理解疑问句以及日常会话,另一方面帮助唤起语言使用者在使用疑问句过程中的元语用意识。疑问句可以实施多种语用功能,其功能的产生和理解是一个形式与语境动态顺应的过程。所以,语言使用者在选择和使用疑问句时应考虑语言以及语言外的诸因素,注重交际策略,更好地实现交际目的。

【Abstract】 As an essential constituent of oral communication, questions are often the concern of researchers from various linguistic fields because of their multifunctional nature and complex function identification. Recent linguists concern themselves much with mapping of questions’ forms and their functions and pragmatic study of questions in institutional dialogues. Yet, few attempts have been made to address pragmatic functions of questions in casual conversations. The present enterprise is aimed at providing a panoramic view of the functioning of questions in casual conversations.Verschueren (2000)’s Linguistic Adaptation Theory is employed as the theoretical foundation to account for the adaptive use of questions in casual conversations from several aspects. Question use is a process of choice making and the linguistic choices related to questioning can be used as identification markers of questions’ functions. The linguistic identification markers range from phonological markers to lexical, syntactical, conversation-structural and even responsive markers. Linguistic context cannot fully fulfill the task of function identification. However, by incorporating it with other aspects of context, three major categories of functions can be found in casual conversations-information-oriented functions, expression-oriented functions and action-oriented functions. The fulfillment of the pragmatic functions of questions and the achievement of the communicative needs result from the interplay of the linguistic forms and their contexts. Thus, question use is an adaptive process involving the adaptation of linguistic forms to the contextual correlates. Central to discussion are the interpersonal correlates such as the role relation between participants and power distribution among language users, and the situational correlates such as the physical setting and the psychological state of language users. While adapting to these contextual correlates, question users will resort to different linguistic strategies such as politeness strategies to achieve their goals. Both positive politeness strategies and negative politeness strategies are often employed for the establishment of interactional harmony and the redressing of detrimental communicative ends. The study claims that question use in casual conversations is a process of dynamic interadaptation between linguistic forms and context. It involves not only linguistic factors but also an array of extra-linguistic correlates concerning the language users, the social world, the mental world and the physical world. The analysis sheds light on the mechanism of production and interpretation of questions in casual conversations and could help develop the metapragmatic awareness of language learners.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】H030
  • 【下载频次】244

