

Plato’s Poetics of Soul

【作者】 刘飞

【导师】 段建军;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是从柏拉图寻求解救现实这一小切口入手,剖析柏拉图对人的关怀,关怀人是解救现实的必要途径。那么,什么是人自身?通过什么方式关怀人自身?柏拉图为我们进一步提出,灵魂是身体的主宰,关怀灵魂就是关怀人自身。神是善的理念的主宰,是真理与知识的源泉。因此,灵魂通过关怀善的理念的主宰—神来关怀自身。诗乐艺术是模仿的产物,也是模仿的对象。只有当诗乐艺术模仿神所主宰的理式世界,诗乐所反映的才是一种真实,人在自身模仿诗乐的过程中,所获得的才是真理。这样的诗乐艺术才起到了关怀人自身的作用。在此基础上,柏拉图对诗乐艺术进行了一系列的规定:诗乐要以神为模板进行创作、诗人要代神而言、诗乐的内容与形式要符合神的准则。只有当诗乐遵循这样的准则,人们在模仿诗乐的过程中,才能聆听神的语言、分享神的美丽、获得神的真知,灵魂向神靠近,进而具有了智慧、勇敢、节制、公正等善的品质,除去了人自身的恶的品质。人在这一过程中,提高了自身的存在,丰富了自身的生命。就此,诗乐艺术达到了对人深切的关怀。因此,我们说,柏拉图的诗乐艺术是一种关怀自身的艺术,柏拉图的诗学是一种关怀自身的诗学。

【Abstract】 This article starts with a small point of Plato how to rescue the reality. Analyze Plato’s care on human; concerning people is the necessary way to save reality. So, what are the people themselves? How to care themselves? Plato gave us a further proposes, the soul dominates the body and caring soul is caring people themselves. God is the master of good ideas, is the source of truth and knowledge. Therefore, the soul cares people themselves by the way of caring the God- the master of good ideas.Art poetry is an imitated product also is the imitated target to people. Only when the art poetry imitating the rationale world dominated by the God, art poetry can reflect the reality, in the process of imitation, the truth is obtained as well. This kind of art poetry played a role of self-care.On this basis, Plato carried out a series of provisions to art poetry: the creation of art poetry must template the God, the poet is the spokesman of the God, the content and form of art poetry must fit for the criteria of the God. Only when the art poetry follow these guidelines, in the process of imitating, people can hear God’s language, share the beauty of the God, obtain the true knowledge of the God, the soul gradually approaches the God, owning the Good qualities of wisdom, courage, moderation, justice and removing the evil qualities. In this process, people enhance their own existence, enrich their own lives. In this connection, art poetry achieves the deep concern for peopleThus, we can draw: Plato’s art poetry is an art of self-care; Plato’s Poetics is a poetics of self-care.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】B502.232
  • 【下载频次】258

