

Legal Research on the Damages of the Right to Life

【作者】 曾庆辉

【导师】 张礼洪;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 生命权是最基本、最重要的权利,生命权遭到侵害应当受到严格的法律保护。民法理论认为,生命是无价的、神圣的,任何试图对生命进行定价的行为都是对生命的亵渎。因此在进行损害赔偿立法时,法律考虑的是死者及其利害关系人的财产损害和精神损害,对生命权本体损害却置之不顾。然而,由于生命权的特殊性,传统民法理论同样容易陷入难以自圆其说的境地,因此便形成了不同的学说,不同的立法模式,导致生命权损害赔偿混乱状态的出现。本文以阐述生命权基础理论为依托,对现有的生命权损害赔偿立法体系和立法的理论基础进行探讨,并提出完善我国生命权损害赔偿制度的几点意见。本文共分四章:第一章:生命权的基础理论。本章对生命权的基础理论作了较为全面的介绍。首先界定的什么是生命,生命的开始和终止;接着明确了生命权的概念、内容和特征;最后探讨了生命权在侵权法中的地位。探讨生命权基础理论的目的是要突出生命权的特殊性和重要性。第二章:生命权损害赔偿制度探析。本章一开始对古代的生命权法律保护进行了分析,进而介绍了近现代国外几种具有代表性的生命权损害赔偿制度立法模式和特点。随后,作者较为详细的介绍了新中国成立以来生命权损害赔偿制度的发展演变,并在第三节分析了现阶段生命权损害赔偿制度中存在的问题。第三章:生命权损害赔偿的法理探讨。作者认为,问题的存在是因为没有一种较好的立法理论或赔偿方案来支撑我国生命权损害赔偿的制度构建。因此,本章第一节对现有的理论学说进行评述,指出了各自的优缺点。第二节以侵害生命权的损害后果为基点,对生命权损害赔偿理论重新进行探讨。在理论上对生命权本体损害赔偿进行探讨,得出应当对生命权本体损害予以赔偿,其赔偿请求权应当由受害人遗属行使的结论;此外,作者对制度中已有的扶养费、继承利益损失和精神损害赔偿项目进行了确认。第四章:我国生命权损害赔偿制度的完善。作者在新的理论思想的指导下结合我国生命权损害赔偿制度中存在的问题提出了几点建议,包括规范层面的完善和内容层面的完善。

【Abstract】 The right to life is the most basic and important right. Wheninfringed, it should be strictly protected by law. It is consideredin the theories of civil law that the right to life is priceless andsacred. And it is profane that attempts to fix the right to life aprice. Therefore, when stipulating the damages to the right to life,the property and spiritual damages of the dead and interested personare considered, but the damages to the right to life itself isignored. However, owing to the particularity of the right to life,the traditional theory of civil law is difficult to justify itself,then different theories have formed. Different legislative patternshave caused chaos of the damages of the right to life. Basing onelaborating the elementary theories of the right to life, thisarticle discusses the existing legal system of it, the theoreticalbasement of legislation, and proposes several opinions on perfectingthe system of damages to the right of life.This article is divided into the following four chapters:The first chapter comprehensively introduces the elementary theories of the right to life. At first, it defines what life is, thebeginning and the ending of life; secondly, it makes definite theconcept, content and characteristics of the right to life; at last,it discusses the position in tort law of the right to life. Theobjective of discussing the elementary theories of the right to lifeis to highlight its particularity and the importance.The second chapter is about the discussion and analysis of thesystem of damages to the right to life. At first it analyzes thelegal protection of the right to life in ancient time, and thenintroduces several representative legal models and characteristics ofthe damages to the right to life of foreign countries in modern andcontemporary ages. Afterwards, I detailed introduce the evolution ofthe right to life after the foundation of new China, and analyze theproblems existing in the system of the right to life in nowadays inthe third part.The third chapter is about the legal principle discussion on thedamages to the right to life. The problems existing is just becausethere are not better legislative theories or compensative schemes toback up the constructing of the damages to the right to life of ourcountry. Therefore, the available theories are commented in the firstpart of this chapter, and then their comparative advantages anddisadvantages are pointed out. Based on the results of infringementon the right to life, the theory of the damages to the right to lifeis discussed again in the second part. The discussion on the theoryof the damages to the right to life itself results in that it shouldcompensate the damages to the right to life itself and the right toclaim damages belongs to the family members of deceased. Besides that,I confirm the upbringing or support payments, the loss ofinheritance interests and the spiritual damages that have existed in the system.The forth chapter is about the perfection of the system ofdamages to the right to life. On the guidance of new theory andcombination with the problems existing in the system of damages tothe right to life of our country, I propose some suggestions,including the perfection of regulated and content levels.


