

Developed of Dedicated Grinding Machine on Plane-Quadratic-Envelope Annular Worm

【作者】 刘言生

【导师】 黎亚元;

【作者基本信息】 西华大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 针对平面二次包络环面蜗杆的磨削加工,我们在前期开发了一台两联动的平面二次包络环面蜗杆数控磨床,由于它是在Y7520W螺纹磨床上改造而成,因而具有结构庞大、刚性差、加工精度不易保证和操作不太方便的不足。在此基础上提出了一种四轴四联动的全新加工工艺方案。从理论上对这种新工艺进行了论证和分析,证明了采用虚拟中心方法四轴联动时,砂轮工作面完成蜗杆啮合面的磨削在本质上与平面二次包络环面蜗杆磨削理论的一致性。新工艺的优越性以及可行性。于是又用CDK6150数控车床改造成功了一台四轴四联动平面二次包络环面蜗杆数控磨床。通过对前期工作的总结和分析,需要进一步的进行改进和探讨。数控磨床是一个复杂而又统一的整体,影响数控磨床的加工精度的因素是多方面的,它包括磨床本身的刚度、整体精度、部件精度及数控系统、伺服系统精度,同时还与伺服进给系统的负载等因素有关。由于前期开发的数控磨床是在车床的基础上改制而成,存在着固有的不足。结合前期开发的磨床在使用过程中所存在的优缺点,在此基础上提出了一种专用数控磨床的全新设计方案。论文主要对专用磨床的机械部分设计进行了探讨和磨床系统安全措施的运用。在理论分析的基础上,本文着重讨论了专用数控磨床整体的设计问题,包括机床的总体的结构设计、关键零部件的设计,以及磨床系统安全措施的运用等。

【Abstract】 For the grinding of plane-quadratic-envelope annular worm, we have developed a NC grinder of plane-quadratic-envelope annular worm, because it was rebuilded on Y7520W thread grinder, so they have many disadvantage ,such as ,large shape, poor rigid, precision is difficult to guarantee,operate difficult and so on . On the basis of this, we proposed a new processing technology project of 4-axis linkage of the four. Demonstrated and analysised the new technology in theory, we have proved the consistency of the worm wheel face complete meshing grinding of the plane with the theory of plane-quadratic-envelope annular worm when we used the method of virtual centre 4-axis linkage. the advantages of new technology and feasibility. So we have succeeded rebulided a 4-axis four linkage plane-quadratic-envelope annular worm NC grinder based on CDK6150 CNC lathe.We require further improve and explore through the work for a summary and analysis. CNC Grinder is a complex and unified whole, so many factors impact the processing precision of CNC grinding machines, including grinder own rigidity, the overall accuracy, precision of components and the NC system, servo system accuracy, and the load of servo feed system. Because of the early development of CNC grinder is based on the lathe, its has many disadvantage .Based on the advantages and disadvantages of the use of the grinder in the process, we proposed a new design of dedicated CNC Grinder .Thesis on the design of the mechanical part and security of system of the grind. Based on the theory analysis,this paper focuses on the overall design of NC grinder, including the machine’s overall structural design, key parts of the design, and the security of grinder system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】TG580.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】172

