

Legal Discussion on Employment Discrimination

【作者】 吴松强

【导师】 罗培新;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 经济法, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 就业歧视从本质上说是对公民就业平等权的侵犯。遏制就业歧视、保障就业平等直接关系到劳动者基本人权的有效实现,也是促进社会公平、构建和谐社会的必然要求。然而,由于长期以来忽视对公民个体权利的保护以及反就业歧视法制体系的不完善,就业歧视现象在我国非常普遍且严重,对社会稳定与和谐构成了严重危险。本文采用比较研究的方法,充分借鉴相关国家和地区的先进经验,试图从理论层面探讨就业歧视的概念认定,从实践层面探索完善我国反就业歧视的立法体系,以期提供一个能够较好解决就业歧视问题的有效思路。除引言外,本文共分四章,各章节具体内容如下:第一章歧视与就业歧视,主要探讨就业歧视的基础性问题——就业歧视的概念和认定。第一节从平等的价值理念出发,分析了反就业歧视的法理基础以及平等与歧视的关系。第二节在分析歧视概念和特征的基础上,着重探讨了就业歧视的内在含义和认定方法。本文认为就业歧视是在就业领域中,无合理理由基于特定因素而给予一部分人的差别待遇,进而根据就业歧视的表现形式,比较详细地辨析了直接歧视和间接歧视,指出了界定两种类型歧视的根本依据和分析方法。然而并非所有的区别待遇都是歧视,合理的区别待遇是法律所允许的,因此第三部分分析了不歧视的标准,列举了五种作为歧视例外的合理理由。第三节探讨了法院在认定就业歧视时的举证责任问题——转移的共同举证责任模式。为了比较全面地理解就业歧视的真正内涵,最后一节对暂行特别措施和反向歧视作了简单介绍。第二章域外就业歧视法律规制比较研究,主要对国外和我国相关地区的就业歧视法律规制制度进行了比较研究。欧美国家反就业歧视的立法和实践都比较成熟,有许多值得我们借鉴的地方。本文本着博采众长的目的,以美国、荷兰以及我国的香港地区为比较对象,分别从反就业歧视的立法体系、执法机构、救济程序以及就业歧视标准的确立等多个角度进行了全面、深入的介绍和比较研究,并从中总结出诸多有利于完善我国反就业歧视立法的思路和内容。第三章中国就业歧视及其法律规制的现状,介绍了我国就业歧视的现状和就业歧视法律规制的立法检讨。总体来说,我国当前就业歧视现象非常普遍,歧视类型层出不穷,直接歧视、制度性歧视大行其道等。造成这一现象的相当重要的原因是,虽然我国目前有不同效力层次的反就业歧视法律规范,但是这些法律规范因存在诸多缺陷而难以有效发挥其作用,如立法太过分散、效力层次低,无专门的反就业歧视执法机构,欠缺就业歧视的司法救济途径等等。第四章中国就业歧视法律规制的立法完善,是本文的重点。通过对相关国家和地区就业歧视法律规制的成熟经验进行深入比较,并在考察我国国内现有立法与实践的基础之上,为构建与完善我国的反就业歧视法律制度提出了一些具体的意见和建议。本章认为我国有必要制定一部专门的《反就业歧视法》,并着重对反就业歧视法的适用范围、歧视标准、机构设置、救济途径等问题一一进行论证并提出了有效的解决思路。

【Abstract】 Employment discrimination is essentially a violation of the people’s equal opportunity rights in relation to employment. To curb employment discrimination and ensure equal employment protection is directly related to the effective realization of the workers basic human rights; it is fundamental for the purpose of promoting social justice and constituting a harmonious society. However, due to the continuous neglect of protection of the people’s individual rights and the imperfection of the legal system in connection with anti-employment discrimination, employment discrimination in China is very serious and widespread and it consequently constitutes a serious danger toward social stability and harmony. In this thesis, using the method of comparative study and drawing advanced experience of the relevant countries and territories, the author aims to explore the concept of employment discrimination academically, and to explore the improvement of the legislation system of anti-employment discrimination in China practically, so that the thesis may offer an effective thinking in achieving a relatively effective solution to employment discrimination.Aside from to the introduction, this paper is divided into four chapters. The specific contents of the chapters are as followed:ChapterⅠ, Employment and Employment Discrimination, mainly focuses on the basic issues of the anti-employment discrimination—definition and identification of employment discrimination. Starting from the concept of the equality, this section analyzes the legal basis of anti-employment discrimination and the relation between equality and discrimination. On the basis of analysis of definition of discrimination, section two focuses on the inherent meaning and concept of employment discrimination. This thesis is in the view that employment discrimination is in the context of employment, granting differential treatment to a certain group of people on certain basis without reasonable justifications. Further, according to the manifestation of employment discrimination, this thesis points out the basis and analysis method of the two types of discrimination. However, not all differential treatment is discrimination, rather, reasonable differential treatment is allowable under the law. Thus, section three analyzes the standards of non-discrimination and lists five reasons as acceptable exceptions to discrimination. Section three discusses the issue of burden of proof when the court tries on employment discrimination cases and concludes on the method of transferred common burden of proof. In order to fully understand the real meaning of employment discrimination, the last section puts forwards a brief introduction of positive action and reverse discrimination.ChapterⅡ, Study on Extraterritorial Employment Discrimination Law, delivers a comparison study between the foreign anti-employment discrimination laws and that of our country. The anti-employment discrimination law in the United States and European countries are relatively more mature and worth our learning and reference. Aiming at absorbing the positive points of different legal systems and setting forth the United States, the Netherlands, and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the comparison objects, this thesis presents a comprehensive and in-depth introduction and comparison study from the perspective of the legislation system of anti-employment discrimination, law enforcement agencies, remedy procedures and standards of anti-employment discrimination and summarizes from the above thinking and contents with regard to improvement of China’s anti-employment discrimination legislation.ChapterⅢ, Status of China’s Anti-employment Discrimination and the Relevant Legal Regime, introduces the current status of our country’s anti-employment discrimination and review of the relevant legal regime. Generally speaking, employment discrimination in China is widespread and the forms vary; direct discrimination and institutional discrimination are quite popular. The very important reason for this phenomenon is that though currently our country has anti-employment discrimination laws on different levels of effectiveness, theses laws are difficult to well play their roles due to certain existing shortcomings such as too scattered legislation, too low legal effect, non-existence of enforcement agencies for anti-employment discrimination, and lack of judicial remedies of employment discrimination, etc.ChapterⅣ, Perfection of China’s Legislation on Anti-employment Discrimination, is the focus of this thesis. Through the in-depth comparison of the anti-employment discrimination laws and experience of certain countries and territories, and based on our country’s current legislation system and practice, this thesis makes detailed comments and recommendations in relation to the building and perfecting our country’s anti-employment discrimination legal system. It is concluded that there is a need for China to adopt an Anti-employment Discrimination Law; further, this thesis conducts feasibility studies on the applicable scope the potential Anti-Employment Discrimination Law, standards toward discrimination, set-up of the authorized agencies, remedy methods, etc. and proposes effective thinking for solutions.


