

Research on the Main Issues of Crime of Owning Huge Property from Unknown Sources

【作者】 陆薇

【导师】 郑伟;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 刑法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 巨额财产来源不明罪是在市场经济条件下,伴随着改革开放出现的一种新型犯罪。该罪自设立以来,在理论界就引起了颇多争议。随着我国社会主义民主法制建设的逐步完善和司法实践的不断深入,巨额财产来源不明罪已严重暴露出实务操作的局限性和法律观念的滞后性。为真正实现巨额财产来源不明罪的立法意图,解决巨额财产来源不明罪在司法实践中的尴尬,有必要对该罪进行全面的“检讨”与“反思”。关于巨额财产来源不明问题,学界前辈已有颇为深入的研究与傲人的建树。根据笔者初步统计:“从1999年至今,有关的期刊全文约有193篇,其中核心期刊论文共28篇,另外还有优秀硕士论文55篇、优秀博士论文1篇。”这些学术成果中,多数文章从立法价值、行为方式、证明责任倒置、法定刑设置、个人财产申报制度完善等视角对其加以研究,多有殊途同归之感。本文首先从立法价值层面加以探讨,认为设立该罪虽有功利性的存在,但在理论和实际上并不失其存在的合理性基础。接着对犯罪构成要件进行了解析,认为该罪的行为方式为持有,即行为人对巨额财产的非法占有和控制。在此基础上,笔者尝试解决司法适用中存在争议的问题,认为该罪法定减轻情节的自首分为一般自首和特殊自首;认为该罪是证明责任倒置;认为与国家工作人员共同生活的家庭成员可以成为共犯。最后,本文从立法方面提出细化量刑幅度、增设财产刑的具体建议;同时针对罪名、罪状的缺陷提出了相应的修改意见;配套制度方面主要讨论健全我国财产申报制度的重要性和必要性(巨额财产来源不明罪的前置制度和行为人说明义务的来源),规划了该制度的基本内容。同时应发挥其他部门法的作用,并建立配套的监控机制,加强金融监管力度,从而充分发挥巨额财产来源不明罪在反腐败工作中应有的作用。结语部分:就事论事的争论可能使我们只看到事物的局部,而忽略了对事物整体的思考。反腐败是一项任务艰巨的系统工程,仅靠刑法或刑法的某一条文,显然无法有效惩治腐败。而只有当制度健全、监督到位,巨额财产来源不明罪才能充分发挥其严密法网、惩治腐败分子、减少诉讼成本的作用,从而实现立法目的,并能够避免其由于功利性所带来的消极影响,解决其在现实运行中的尴尬局面,以惩前毖后、防患未然。

【Abstract】 Crime of Owning Huge Property from Unknown Sources is a new type of crime with the reform and opening of China under the conditions of the socialist market economy. After the formation of this crime, it caused many disputes in theory horizon. With the improving of the socialist democracy and legal system gradually and deepening of legal practice continually, Crime of Owning Huge Property from Unknown Sources has seriously exposed the limit in practice and lag in the legal opinions. In order to realize the real legislation intent and resolve the awkward in legal practice of Crime of Owning Huge Property from Unknown Sources, it is necessary to review it thoroughly and consider it repeatedly.There are comparatively deep research and excellent achievement on this crime. Based on my elementary statistics~1, there are about 193 journals on this crime from 1999 till now, including 28 key magazines. In addition, there are 55 excellent master papers and one excellent doctor paper in it. Most of these scientific fruit study it from the point of lawmaking value, activity manner, the shifting of burden of proof, the formation of statutory sentence, and improvement of personal property declaration system, most of which have the similar study methods.Firstly, from the point of lawmaking value, the paper argues the crime has its reasonable base to exist in theory and practice despite of utilitarian goal. Secondly, it analyses the constitution of the crime and the manner of holding, namely, the illegal possession over and control over the huge property, and on this basis it attempts to resolve the debatable issues in the law application. The surrender as statutory mitigated condition of the crime includes common voluntary surrender and special voluntary surrender. The burden of proof of the crime should be inverted. In addition, the family members of the functionary who lives with him or her can be accomplice. Lastly, the paper provides the concrete suggestion of specifying the range of punishment measurement and establishing the property-oriented penalties, and it provides the corresponding opinions concerned on the title and count of the crime. As regards the supporting systems, it mainly deals with the necessity and importance of personal property declaration system (the front-loading system of Crime of Owning Huge Property from Unknown Sources and the source of explanatory liability of the actor) ,and outlines the main content of the system. At the same time, the crime will play active role in anti-corruption on the conditions that the other branch law should function well, supporting supervising system should be established and financial supervision should be strengthen.In conclusion, we only can find the parts of the facts if we consider something as it stands but neglect the whole part of the facts. Anti-corruption is the systemic hard work, we can not control and eliminate corruption only by criminal law or certain clause. Only when the system is healthy and supervision works well, the crime can have the function of improving the law, punishing the corrupt person, and reducing the litigation cost. Then the lawmaking goal can be realized and the negative effect can be avoided to resolve the awkward complexion in order to punish the former to warn the latter and nip in the bud .


