

Studies on Pollination Biology of Chinese Jujube

【作者】 王尧

【导师】 刘孟军; 周俊义; 王玖瑞;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 果树学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 枣树是我国的特色果树和重要的经济树种,选育具有综合优异性状的新品种是发展枣业生产的当务之急。通过优良品种杂交获得综合性状优良的新品种仍是当前枣树杂交育种的主要途径,而授粉生物学是开展杂交工作的基础,但枣树的授粉生物学研究仍不够深入。本研究以沧县枣良种繁育基地和保定绿龙枣良种圃的冬枣等多个优良品种为试材,通过联苯胺-过氧化氢法测定不同品种枣的柱头可授性,离体培养法测定花粉萌发率,同时,用荧光显微镜观察了人工授粉后花粉在柱头上的萌发和花粉管的伸长情况。主要研究结果如下:1.枣柱头可授性。枣不同品种的柱头可授性差异显著,柱头可授性都比较高的品种有孔府酥脆枣、灰枣、葫芦长红枣;不同花期的枣柱头可授性差异显著,冬枣和月光枣的柱头可授性在盛花初期(6月4号)比较高,盛花末期(6月23号)出现最高值,JMS3在盛花初期(5月29号)出现了最高值;单花开放后不同时间柱头可授性不同,柱头可授性最佳可授期在开花后到三天之内,且品种之间有差异。冬枣的柱头可授性大部分时期比月光枣、JMS3高,月光枣与JMS3柱头可授性大部分时期差异不明显。2.枣花粉萌发率。枣的花粉萌发率因品种、花期和地点的不同而变化,但在所测定的32个品种或类型中,只有月光枣、骏枣、相枣、大荔龙枣和短果长红枣花粉萌发率有超过10%的情况出现。3.枣授粉后柱头花粉的萌发与花粉管生长。枣不同杂交组合的花粉萌发情况和花粉管伸长情况差异显著。冬枣×大叶无核枣、冬枣×无核小枣和冬枣×苹果枣三个杂交组合,花粉萌发率高、深入花柱的花粉比例高,是较为适合的杂交组合。花粉管容易进入JMS3柱头的品种有无核小枣、金芒果枣、涞水铃枣、辣椒枣。同一授粉组合授粉后不同时间枣的柱头上的花粉萌发情况差异显著,花粉管伸长情况差异显著。授粉约72小时后,花粉大量萌发,花粉管已深达花柱基部。

【Abstract】 Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) is one of the characteristic and economic trees in China. It is necessary for Chinese jujube to develop new cultivars with combined quality traits by cross breeding. However, pollination biology which was the foundation in cross was not profound in Chinese jujube.The stigma receptivity and pollen viability of Chinese jujube had been studied using excellent cultivar at germplasm garden of Chinese jujube of Baoding Lvlong Group and Germplasm Nursery of Chinese jujube of Cangxian. Pollen germination rate was evaluated by in vitro culture and stigma receptivity by benzidine-H2O2 method.The germination of pollen on the stigma and the growth of pollen tube in Chinese jujube were observed under fluorescent microscope after manual pollination. The main results were as follows:1. Stigma receptivityThe stigma receptivity changed significantly in different cultivars. Cultivars with high stigma receptivity were ’Kongfusucuizao’、’Huizao’、’Huluchanghongzao’.The stigma receptivity of different variety changed during flower season. The stigmareceptivity of ’Dongzao’ and ’Yueguangzao’ showed the higher value at the beginning ofthe flowering season(June 4) and the highest value at the peak of the floweringseason( June 23).JMS3 showed the highest value at the beginning of the flowering season(May 29). It rised at the beginning of the flower season and then declined approximately.The best period of stigma receptivity was mainly three days after dehiscence. The stigma receptivity of ’Dongzao’ was higher than ’Yueguangzao’ and JMS3. There was no significant difference of stigma receptivity between ’Yueguangzao’ and JMS3.2. Pollen germination rateThere was significant difference of germination rate of pollen sampled from cultivars at different spot and time . However, the germination rate of pollen was more than 10% only in ’Yueguangzao’, ’Junzao’, ’Xiangzao’ and ’Duanguochanghongzao’ of 32 cultivars or types of Chinese jujube. 3. Pollen germination and pollen tube growth after pollinationThe rate of pollen germination and growth of pollen tube changed significantly after pollination in a cross. Mass pollen germinated and pollen tube reached the base of style 72 hours later.There was significantly difference of pollen germination rate and pollen tube growth among cross combinations. Because of relative higher pollen germination rate and more vigorous growth of pollen tube, the combinations of ’Dongzao’×’Dayewuhe’, ’Dongzao’×’ Wuhexiaozao’,and’Dongzao’×’Pingguozao’,JMS3×’Wuhexiaozao’,JMS3×’ Ji nmangguo’,JMS3×’laishuilingzao’and JMS3×’Lajiaozao’were efficient combination for cross breeding of Chinese jujube.

  • 【分类号】S665.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】352

