

Study on Rural Credit Cooperatives Financial Service of Hebei Province

【作者】 车宁

【导师】 赵邦宏;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 产业经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 农业是国民经济发展的基础产业,对保障国家粮食安全和经济社会健康发展具有重大意义。我国2004-2007年连续四年的中央一号文件都是关于“三农”问题的,充分体现了国家对农业、农村、农民的重视,也体现了党及其领导人改变旧农业、农村、农民的决心。农村信用社是支持农村经济发展的重要金融机构。从筹建设立时起,农村信用社一直肩负着支持“三农”发展的重要任务,经过多年的发展,现在农村信用社已经成为农村金融市场最主要的信贷机构和农村经济发展重要的资金来源。作为在农村发展最迅速、从业人员最多、覆盖范围最广的农村金融机构,随着经济社会的发展,在解决“三农”问题的过程中必将发挥其独特的作用。虽然农村信用社具有较多得天独厚的优势,但是面对新形势新局面,它也面临极其严酷的竞争。优胜略态,适者生存,这就要求农村信用社从自身出发,发挥优势,弥补不足。本文从农村信用社金融服务的角度出发,研究农村信用社金融服务存在的问题及其发展的制约因素,并结合国内外金融机构发展的成功经验,对我省农村信用社今后的长远发展提出一些可行性建议。这对我省农村信用社更好更快的发展,以及促进我省农村经济的发展,尽快建立城乡一体的和谐社会具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文在国内外金融服务研究的理论基础上,通过对河北省农村信用社的实地调查及对农户的问卷调查,并对数据进行总结和分析。以河北省农村信用合作发展现状为研究背景,对河北省农村信用合作社金融服务进行研究,从理论上对农村信用社金融服务的几个方面进行了分析,从实践的角度对农村信用合作社人力资本建设、资产业务、负债业务、中间业务发展及运行模式等方面进行了调查、分析、总结。同时,研究农户和信用社之间的供需平衡:如对资产业务、负债业务、中间业务、从业人员的服务、农村信用社的软硬件设施等方面的研究,运用Logistic模型进行分析,发现增加服务品种、提高服务质量,如改善贷款业务的期限、利率和金额,根据需要增设农业保险、消费信贷等业务,建设农村金融电子网络系统,开创现代化的金融服务手段,能够更好地满足农户对农村信用社金融服务的需求。建议农村信用社从实际情况出发,在信用社自身能力的范围内尽可能做出满足农户需要的调整,借鉴国内外金融机构发展的成功经验及其启示,把握河北省农村信用社今后金融服务发展的方向和重点,并提出相应的政策建议。

【Abstract】 Agricultural in Chinese has always been a key industry. In the new period, the Party and the country developed of new agricultural planning. "Agriculture、Rural、Farmer" As China’s policy for four consecutive years, the No. 1 Document, from 2004 to 2007, fully reflecting the state of agriculture, farmers, rural of importance, but also reflecting the Party and its leaders determination of changing the old agriculture、rural and farmers. Rural credit cooperatives support rural economic development of financial institutions. At the beginning, rural credit cooperatives undertook the important task of the rural development, after years of development, rural credit cooperatives in rural areas has become a major financial institutions and source funds of rural economic development. Rural credit cooperatives as the most rapidly developed, and it employed the most workers, the most extensive coverage of the rural financial institutions, will play its unique role. Although rural credit cooperatives with more unique advantages, but at the new situation, it is also facing an extremely harsh competition. Slightly better state, survival of the fittest, in order to hold onto their own field, and make our own growth, to achieve the victory of the competition, which must need the rural credit cooperatives, play to their strengths, potential change slightly. Therefore, this article in the rural credit cooperatives financial services point of view, the future of the long-term development of rural credit cooperatives, and has important theoretical and practical significance.This article based on domestic and foreign financial services theory, by the investigation of Hebei Province, and in the field of the data reflected by farmers ,summary and analysis the credit to the rural areas of Hebei Province for the development of cooperation as the research background, research Rural Credit Cooperative of Hebei Province financial services, by theory of rural credit cooperatives financial services aspects were analyzed from the perspective of the practice of rural credit cooperatives human capital construction, business assets, liabilities, operations, business development and the intermediate and so on, analysis, then summary. Meanwhile, farmers and credit balance between supply and demand: If the business assets, liabilities, business, intermediary business, and it employed the services of rural credit cooperatives in the hardware and software facilities, research, by Logistic model, we found that additional services Variety, improve service quality, such as improved loan, the interest rate and amount, in accordance with arrange for agricultural insurance, and consumer credit business, building electronic network of rural financial system, and create a modern means of financial services to better meet the farmers on the rural credit cooperatives financial products demand. Recommendations from the actual conditions of rural credit cooperatives and credit unions in their own capacity to the extent possible within the scope of farmers to meet the need for change. Moreover, on the basic of domestic and foreign financial institutions experience of successful development, we can expect of its inspiration from the rural credit cooperatives in Hebei Province on the future direction of the development of financial services and priorities, and to make appropriate policy recommendations.

  • 【分类号】F832.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】825

