

A Study on Supplement Farmland Grade Evaluation of Coastal Plain in Hebei Province

【作者】 李贺静

【导师】 霍习良; 陈亚恒;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 土壤学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前为增加有效耕地面积,保证粮食安全,我国实施耕地占补平衡制度。耕地占补平衡制度是我国土地管理的一项基本制度,它是基于我国特殊的土地国情而制定的,这一制度实施以来取得了很大成绩,但也遇到了较多问题。目前最难解决,也是最有待解决的问题就是耕地占补平衡质量平衡的问题。为实现耕地占补平衡数量-质量双重平衡,提出对补充耕地等别评定进行研究的要求。不仅能为土地开发整理优化设计提供科学依据,而且有利于土地资源的合理利用,更好的改善土地质量、农业生产条件及生态环境,保证占补前后粮食综合生产能力不降低。本文以可持续发展理论、系统理论和地域分异等理论为指导,以经济合理、技术可行为原则,通过分析农用地分等与补充耕地等别评定的关系,将农用地分等成果及方法应用于补充耕地等别评定中。以可开发耕地后备资源为主要研究对象,对河北省滨海平原区进行实证研究。得到以下结论:借鉴农用地分等成果与方法建立了补充耕地等别评定体系。将河北滨海平原区划分为冀东滨海平原区和运东滨海平原区两个补充耕地等别评定指标区。将补充耕地等别评定因素确定为有机质、灌溉保证率、排水条件、盐渍化、表土质地和土体构型6个指标。运用耕地因素组合模型对河北滨海平原区可开发耕地后备资源质量进行分析发现,冀东滨海平原区可开发耕地后备资源共有51种因素组合类型,运东滨海平原可开发耕地后备资源共有27种。由因素组合直观、定量判断出滨海平原区可开发耕地后备资源各自然因素状况和每个单元的开发限制性因素,为开发设计提供依据。开发时要按自然状况合理安排开发时序,指导项目选址。在进行可开发耕地后备资源质量分析的基础上,确定了不同土地开发整理工程类型区补充耕地等别评定因素分值,冀东滨海平原区得到补充耕地目标因素组合41种,运东滨海平原48种。计算得到河北省滨海平原区补充耕地目标等别为8-14等,制定了等别面积表并绘制了补充耕地目标等别分布图。

【Abstract】 In order to increase effective cultivated land and guarantee grain security, at present the balance system of requisition-compensation of cultivated land is implementing in china. The balance system of requisition-compensation of cultivated land is a basic system of Chinese land management. Its making is based on special land situation of China. And great achievements have been made after implementation of this system, but many problems also been met. Quality balance is one of the most difficult and awaiting solved problem. In order to realize quality balance, study on grade evaluation of supplement cultivated land is in. Not only the study can supply scientific basis for optimum design of land development and consolidation project, but also is beneficial to reasonable utilization of land resources, better improvement of land quality, agricultural production condition and ecological environment, improvement of supplement cultivated land grade, and insurance of grain production.This paper was under guidance of theory of Sustainable Development, System Theory, Regional Distribution System, and taken the Conception of economical and reasonable and technical feasibility as the principle. Through analyzing the relation between the cultivated land Grading and quality evaluation of supplement cultivated land, applied the method and result of the cultivated land Grading to the grade evaluation of supplement cultivated land. The coastal plain of Hebei is used to be empirical research based on exploitable reserve resources of cultivated land as main research object. The following conclusions can be drawn from the study. The supplement cultivated land grade evaluation system has been established by using the method and result of cultivated land grading for reference. Coastal Plain, Hebei divided into the Coastal Plain area, Jidong Hebei, and the Coastal Plain area, yundong Hebei. The six indicators of supplement cultivated land grade evaluation have been determined as organic matter, irrigation guarantee rate, drainage condition, soil Stalinizations degrees, surface soil and soil body configuration. In accordance with the order of Hebei Agricultural Land Grading, the index score and weight system has been established. The database of exploitable reserve resources of cultivated land of coastal plain has been established by using of spatial analysis of MAPGIS software, and with supplementary investigation. The analysis has showed that there are 51 kinds of factors combination type in Jidong Coastal Plain area and 27 kinds in Yundong Coastal Plain area, which is to exploitable reserve resources of cultivated land of Hebei Coastal Plain. The natural factors condition and restrictive factors in development have been judged out intuitively and quantitatively by factors combination. Development should be at a reasonable level in accordance with the appropriate timing for development, guiding the project site. Factors score of supplement farmland in different indicators areas have been determined on the basis of analysis in the quality of cultivated land reserve resources, and factor combination of supplement land has been produced. There are 41 kinds of factor combination in Jidong Coastal Plain area and 48 kinds in Yundong Coastal Plain area. The final calculation of the coastal plain area of Hebei Province have obtained that the natural degree of supplement farmland is 8-14. The table and the mapping of the distribution of natural degrees have also been obtained.

  • 【分类号】F301.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】169

