

Study on Social Network Analysis of Accompanier Intervention in Unlicensed Prostitutes Population

【作者】 张扬

【导师】 江启成;

【作者基本信息】 安徽医科大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目的对娱乐场所暗娼人群社会网络进行描述,分析场所内部社会网络关系特征,寻找暗娼人群艾滋病预防干预的瓶颈和突破的有效实施,应用成熟的社会网络、社会干预理论分析暗娼艾滋病预防干预策略,对建构“同伴干预”的思路进行阐述和证明。方法运用定性研究策略,采用“事后回溯研究”方法,复习近年来我国暗娼人群艾滋病防治干预文献,总结暗娼人群及其他桥梁人群艾滋病防治干预的效果、结构和流程;采用“无结构非参与性观察”的方法搜集相关资料;采用“社会网络分析问卷”对目标人群进行“有结构的观察”从而获取需要的资料和数据,使用社会网络计量分析软UCINET6.0对数据进行处理。结果UCINET6.0对在A、B场所内收集的暗娼社会网络资料进行分析:1)单变量的统计显示出最具影响力的核心人物和可能在干预的中、后期对干预工作起不良作用的攻关重点对象,而目前干预实施流程中没有科学的寻找方法;2)社会网络的内聚可及性(Reachability)分析发现关系可及性在两个场所内普遍具备,程度可以视为同伴教育难度评估的指标,但存在少数可及性较差的个体,提示同伴教育在同一场所内的具体策略需要有所不同。3)社会网络的内聚“测地距”(GEODESIC DISTANCE)分析指数均于1而小于1.5,提示同伴教育时信息传播过程中可能的衰减程度,目前的干预活动只注重信息的发出;4)社会网络的内聚传递性(TRANSITIVITY)分析中的簇型结构关系和结构孔型的关系构成比提示了同伴教育信息传播的难易程度和障碍所在;5)社会网络的内聚聚类系数(CLUSTERING COEFFICIENT)分析显示全面聚类系数和局部聚类系数衡量信息传播的效率,对群体内的效率较高者进行定位,而目前的干预技术无法做到;6)社会网络的内聚“互惠”性统计(Reciprocity Statistics)中平均“互惠”比例提示在趋向形成稳定关系结构的“习俗”方面的优劣,结构的稳定一方面提示干预实施效果的稳定性,但既有的障碍则难以清除;7)社会网络的内聚KRACKHARDT氏测量(KRACKHARDT GTD MEASURES)中,连通度、层级、效能和LUB等指标显示信息传播效率提高的潜力,目前的同伴教育策略中缺失关系结构与干预效果间关系的视角;8)社会网络的内聚P1聚类预测场所内关系结构发展的趋势,为同伴教育的持续进行提供选择信息传递路径的依据。结论社会网络理论可以充实暗娼人群艾滋病预防干预的学理背景,忽视暗娼人群的社会网络结构是目前干预活动出现“瓶颈”的原因之一,社会网络技术是对暗娼人群进行大规模社会化“同伴干预”的有效技术。

【Abstract】 Objective Give the description of unlicensed prostitute population who work in entertainment place, analyze the character of their social network, trying to find the bottleneck of accompanier education at present and effective measure of breakthrough, give the building of“accompanier intervention”elucidatory evidence.Methods The strategy of the whole study is qualitative analysis. At the forepart of the study, backdate study are used for review the literature of preventing AIDS in unlicensed prostitutes population in China. We are interested in preventing effect, structure and flow of that. Then the unstructured and non-participant observation is used for collecting the information of the population. Social network questionnaire technology is used for collecting data coming from locale and object. This step is called structural observation. Finally, we handle the data with UCINET6.0.Results Social network analysis in unlicensed prostitute population: 1) UNIVARIATE STATISTICS shows the most influential person and the person who will be the negative point in later step of prevention; there is no solution of finding these points in prevention flow at present. 2) REACHABILITY is common phenomenon that places are rich in reachability, but there are also some of them make very bad practice in this area, they give difficulty index of evaluation in accompanier education ,also there should be differences of detailed strategy between each places, but there are noting related at present . 3) GEODESIC DISTANCE index are between 1 and 1.5,it gives hint that information in accompanier education will be present itself as attenuation, but people are always concerning about sending out information.4) TRANSITIVITY shows the proportion of clustering structure and structure-holes present the degree and locality of obstacle ,there are no related technique at present. 5)CLUSTERING COEFFICIENT gives Overall graph clustering coefficient and Weighted Overall graph clustering coefficient scale the efficiency of information transmission, it locates the highlight, but not at present.6) RECIPORITY STATISTICS is the same as in the dyad-based model, the stabilization explain the effect of intervention and obstacle at the same time,7) KRACKHARDT GTD MEASURES include the index of Connectedness, Hierarchy, Efficiency and LUB it gives the potential of improving stability , strategy of accompanier education at present lose this visual angle.8)P1 is divinable what the structure will be like at some levels of likelihood, as far as it predicts the right way that information of intervention flow by the relationship as times go by, there is no timing angle of view about forecast of preventing effect.Conclusion Combining the result of social network analysis investigates, the study make some false-proving to some techs of the accompanier education strategy at present. The social network analysis is feasible technology. Enriching the doctrinal background of preventing AIDS in unlicensed prostitutes population with SNA theory, the problem as following, lack of bestrow, shortcoming of subjectivity, inefficient preventing and difficulty in persistent improving of some related index can be resolved.

【关键词】 艾滋病暗娼干预社会网络策略
【Key words】 AIDSunlicensed prostitutesintervenesocial network analysis

