

Evaluation of Effectiveness on AIDS Health Education about Peasant Workers as well as the Rural Basic Cadres in Two Counties of AnHui Province

【作者】 赵存喜

【导师】 叶冬青;

【作者基本信息】 安徽医科大学 , 流行病与卫生统计学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目的评价在农村外出务工人员中开展艾滋病同伴教育的近期效果,为寻找防治措施提供依据。方法采取整群抽样方法,选取安徽省濉溪县某乡镇外出务工人员408人进行艾滋病同伴教育,通过干预前后问卷调查,评价艾滋病同伴教育的干预效果。结果农村外出务工人员艾滋病知识来源主要是通过电视广播、宣传画、报刊杂志等途径。干预前外出务工人员对艾滋病知识的知晓率为66.3%,干预后艾滋病传播途径的知晓率为78.3%,差异有统计学意义(u=23.15,p<0.001)。除艾滋病人或感染者怀孕能传染给婴儿回答正确率外,其它问题回答正确率干预后均高于干预前,差异均有统计学意义;除是否愿意与AIDS/HIV共用劳动工具和你孩子的同学感染了艾滋病病毒,是否转校外,其它对AIDS/HIV的态度和行为均有不同程度改变,干预前后差异均有统计学意义。干预后拒绝婚前性行为的比例高于干预前(χ2=8.60,p=0.0351)。结论同伴教育适用于农村外出务工人员,近期效果明显。目的了解艾滋病流行区村干部艾滋病健康教育及歧视干预效果,为探索适合农村艾滋病流行区预防控制措施,及发挥村干部反歧视作用提供依据。方法采取整群抽样方法,选取安徽省艾滋病流行区郎溪县和濉溪县各2个乡镇村干部147人,进行艾滋病健康教育及反歧视干预,并比较干预前后艾滋病知识、态度和行为的差异。结果村干部的艾滋病知识的最主要来源为广播电视,其次为报刊杂志和宣传画。干预前后村干部艾滋病知识知晓率分别为73.5%和89.1%(χ2=67.22,p<0.001)。干预后村干部对AIDS/HIV抱有同情心的比例高达89.8%;觉得艾滋病病人或感染者很可怕的比例从48.3%下降到33.3%(χ2=7.2,p<0.001);感觉处于感染“艾滋病”危险之中的比例从89.8%下降到22.4%(χ2=143.17,p<0.001);同意公布AIDS/HIV名单让人们躲避的比例从23.1%下降到17.0%(χ2=111.84,p<0.001);愿意到AIDS/HIV处买菜或购物的比例从30.6%上升到57.8%(χ2=23.33,p<0.001)。结论农村艾滋病流行区,应充分发挥村干在当地开展艾滋病预防和控制及消除歧视的作用。

【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the short-term of AIDS peer education among peasant workers, and explore the prevention and controlling of AIDS.Method 408 participants were enrolled from Suixi County, Anhui Province, and investigated and compared in terms of the effect before and after the AIDS peer education.Results The peasant workers gained the knowledge of AIDS mainly from the sources including video, TV, propagandistic pictures, newspaper, and magazine. The awareness rate of AIDS/HIV knowledge was significantly different before and after peer education (66.3% vs78.3%,u=23.15,P<0.001). Except for HIV transmitability from the pregnant women to the fetuses, other right answers to AIDS/HIV knowledge were significant. Except for the attitude of sharing labor tools, and when their children’ classmates are infected with HIV, whether exchanging school is necessary, the other attitudes that prejudice against the people living with AIDS or HIV decreased significantly.The proportion of the participants’ refusing premarital sexual behavior was 23.8% and 30.4% pre-and-post intervention, respectively.Conclusions The AIDS peer education applies to the peasant workers from rural areas, and the short-term effect is significant. Objective To understand the effect of AIDS/HIV health education intervention among the rural basic cadres in AIDS epidemic rural areas, and provide the available strategy to preventing and controlling the AIDS.Method The AIDS/HIV health education intervention was conducted among the rural basic cadres, 147 participations were enrolled respectively from 2 villages in AIDS epidemic rural area of AnHui province, LangXi and suixi County. The acknowledge, attitude and the practice difference before and after the intervention was analyzed. Results The radio or TV, periodicals, picture poster were the main resources of AIDS/HIV acknowledge to the participations. The awareness rate of AIDS/HIV knowledge before and after the intervention were 73.5% and 89.1%, (χ2=67.22,p<0.001 ) .After the AIDS/HIV health education intervention, there was 89.8% participations have sympathy with the AIDS/HIV, the proportion of the participants being fearful of the AIDS/HIV was decreased from 48.3% to 33.3%(χ2=7.2,p<0.001), and considered themselves were in the risk of infecting AIDS was decrease from 89.8% to 22.4%(χ2=143.17,p<0.001). The proportion participation agreed to announce the name list of AIDS patients and HIV infected persons in order to dodge them was decreased from 23.1% to 17.0% (χ2=111.84,p<0.001), and willing to go shopping from AIDS patients and HIV infected persons was increased from 30.6% to 57.87% (χ2=23.33,p<0.001).Conclusions It was necessary to give the rural basic cadres full play to prevention and control and Anti-discrimination the AIDS/HIV function in AIDS epidemic rural areas.


