Application of Neural Network Expert System for Control System of Smoke Desulfurization
【作者】 杨维波;
【导师】 梁伟平;
【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(河北) , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士
【摘要】 顺序控制是电厂各系统主要控制手段之一,它的连贯进行,要求各步的完成信号(主要是设备状态反馈信号)及时、无误地送达,否则将导致步序中断等控制故障。但是,通讯故障、卡件坏点或逻辑坏点等意外事件都有可能导致反馈信号不能及时到位。神经网络与专家系统是两种技术较成熟、应用较广泛的智能控制手段,神经网络专家系统结合两者之长,已被成功地应用于许多领域中。本文利用神经网络专家系统分析设备状态,使控制系统能够不直接依赖状态信号而获知设备状态。并结合实际,利用OPC通讯技术,实现本系统与PLC的实时通讯。最后,通过修改PLC控制逻辑,将预测所得状态值用于系统控制。
【Abstract】 SCS is one of the most important methods of power plants control systems. In order to run consistently, the signal should be transmitted accurately and quickly. Otherwise, it will lead to some control fault, such as step interrupted. But, many mistakes, such as communication fault, device fault or logic fault, make the feedback signal transmitted incorrectly. Both neural network and expert system are well-developed control means and were used widely. The neural network expert system combining neural networks and expert systems advantage, was applied in many areas successfully. In this paper, by using neural network expert system analysis device status, we have a new way to get the device status other than direct signals. The use of OPC technology,real-time communication between eural network expert system and PLC was achieved. At last, by modifying control logic, the value forecasted by eural network participate in control.
【Key words】 smoke desulfurization; neural network expert system; state analysis; control logic;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 华北电力大学(河北) 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
- 【分类号】TP182;TP273.5
- 【被引频次】2
- 【下载频次】204