

Research on Macroeconomic Regulation and Control of Real Estate in the Vision of Economic Law Field

【作者】 游云

【导师】 纪荣泰;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经大学 , 经济法, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 房地产业是我国新的发展阶段的一个重要支柱产业,也是国民经济的重要组成部分。房地产业不但与人民生活紧密相关,而且产业链条长,与国民经济中绝大部分产业有紧密联系。我国国内房地产业发展迅猛,对拉动内需、促进国民经济发展功不可没,但由于缺乏宏观调控的经验和制度资源准备不足,在房地产市场繁荣的背后潜伏着诸多隐患。政府为抑制房地产市场失灵,己经陆续出台一系列宏观调控政策、措施,但房地产市场中一些棘手问题并未得到彻底的解决,部分城市房价上涨仍然过快,住房供应结构不合理矛盾突出,房地产市场秩序比较混乱。房地产宏观调控收效甚微,已经引起了学界专家的普遍关注。该文主要关注政府进行宏观调控具体措施的合法性、合理性,重在探讨房地产市场宏观调控的法律基础理论和解析调控措施的法律问题与对策。房地产市场宏观调控措施离不开法治的保证,法制化的宏观调控运行框架,能够为宏观调控利益相关人的合法利益提供基本的保护,使得任何市场主体都不会因为国家的宏观调控及管制措施而受到不合法的权益剥夺。当然文章不限于就事论法,更试图在对房地产市场宏观调控进行法律评析后得到深层次的启迪和思考,为完善房地产市场宏观调控提供一个法律意义上的新思路。本文首先拟从理论与现实两方面阐明我国房地产市场失灵的原因,并进一步论述房地产市场宏观调控规范化的必要性,内容见诸文章的第一章;其次将解析房地产市场宏观调控基本理论问题的法律内涵;再次,将从经济法的视角透析房地产宏观调控的措施,包括:货币政策、税收政策和土地政策三个方面;文章最后落脚于针对这三个方面存在的问题,思考如何完善我国房地产宏观调控并提出相应的法律建议。文中运用了时政分析、价值分析、时政经济学分析以及比较研究等研究方法。从国内房地产市场发展状况出发,探讨我国房地产市场中存在的失灵问题,分析房地产宏观调控基本理论的法律内涵,进而提出深化我国房地产市场宏观调控的对策。

【Abstract】 China’s real estate industry is an important pillar industry in the new stage of development, is also an important part of the national economy. The real estate industry is not only closely related with people’s lives, but also associated with the most of the industries of national economy. Domestic real estate industry is developing rapidly, it is stimulating domestic demand, promoting national economic development. But, due to being lack of management experience and the system resources, there are many thorny issues behind the prosperity of the real estate market. In order to curbing the market failure, government has been successively adopted a series of macro-control policies and measures. But, some fundamental problems have not yet been resolved, such as, housing prices rising too fast in some cities, the irrational structure of housing supply, the housing market order confusion. The real estate macroeconomic control had little effect. Many experts have paid much attention to this fact. This paper mainly concerned about the legality and Rationality of the macro-control specific measures, focusing on the real estate market macro-control Legal basis, and analyzing the control measures and giving Countermeasures.The real estate market macro-control measures must be under the rule of law. The legalization system of macroeconomic regulation can give stakeholders the basic protection for their legal interests, and makes any market players not to be deprived of their legitimate rights and interests, just because the state’s macroeconomic regulation and control and Control measures are amended. Of course, the paper is not limited to the matter of law. My purpose is to obtain deep level inspiration and ponder, after analyzing the real estate market macroeconomic regulation and control, and then, provide a new, the legal sense, Idea for the real estate market’s perfection.Firstly, this paper plans from the theory and the reality ,two aspects, to expound that our country real estate market malfunction’s reason, and further discusses the necessity for standardization of the macro-control. The related contents can be found in the chapter one; Secondly, we will analyze the legal connotation of the real estate market macroeconomic regulation and control elementary theory; Once more, from the angle of economic rules and regulations, we assay real estate macroeconomic regulation and control measure. There are three aspects in this part, including: Monetary policy, tax policy and agrarian policy; Finally, The article stops over in the question which these three aspects exist. We ponder how to consummate our country real estate macroeconomic regulation and control and propose the corresponding legal advice.In this article, we have utilized lots of research methods, such as, current politics analysis, value analysis, current politics economic analysis as well as comparison research, and so on. From the domestic real estate market development condition, we start to explore the malfunction question which in our country real estate market exists, analyze the real estate macroeconomic regulation and the legal connotation of control theory, then, propose the countermeasure that deepens our country real estate market macroeconomic regulation and control.

  • 【分类号】D922.181
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】875

