

On Packaging Culture of Export Goods

【作者】 王继毅

【导师】 刘桂珍;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 作为商品生产和流通过程中不可缺少的因素,出口商品包装在国际营销中逐渐体现出重要性。就商品种类的多样性及其相应的质量、特征、形状而言,包装要求也各不相同。此外,商品进口国遍及全球,文化属性各有不同,因而对进口商品的包装要求不同。由于包装文化对于国际营销有重要影响,为了避免在出口销售中由于包装文化差异而给出口商带来损失,包装设计人员必须充分了解进口国当地的消费文化,并相应调整自己商品的包装文化以适应当地文化要求。一些发达国家国家主导了世界经济,他们对商品包装有不同的要求,为那些从事商品出口销售的企业指明了方向。绿色包装模式逐渐在全世界普及,因而为出口商品包装设置统一标准。它提醒企业必须意识到保护环境和人文精神的重要意义。包装所包涵的文化要素对出口商品的销售会产生重要的影响,这些要素包括法律、教育、风俗和消费习惯、宗教信仰、年龄、性别性格、社会风尚潮流以及语言等。在制定包装策略时,出口商和包装设计人员必须考虑到这些文化要素给销售所带来的影响,处理好两者关系。在国际市场竞争条件下,适者生存是经济法则。出口企业不得不竭尽全力满足目标市场的要求。诚然,出口企业不得不根据不同的包装文化要求制定包装决策。然而他们面临的困难是如何使自身的包装文化适应目标市场的包装文化要求。如果他们在商品包装上遵从目标国的文化要求,弱化自己的文化属性,其自身包装文化必然有被目标国文化所同化的风险,从而变得毫无特点。更好的方法是将出口商品包装作为本国文化与目标国文化相互沟通的桥梁,这样就可以与目标国文化和谐并存,共同发展。本文第一章主要介绍了包装的概念、起源、发展以及包装的功能。第二章介绍了包装文化的组成,出口商品包装文化的特点以及发达国家的商品包装文化的特点。另外介绍了绿色包装模式的特点及其对消费和生产产生的影响。第三章详述了包装所包涵的文化要素对出口商品的销售产生的重要影响以及企业采取的不同包装策略。结论部分重申包装文化要素对出口商品销售的影响,企业和包装设计人员应该予以重视。

【Abstract】 As the indispensable element of goods production and circulation, packaging of export commodities has gradually shown its significance in international marketing. In terms of the diversities of goods and their different qualities, features, shapes accordingly, the packaging requirements for them are different. In addition to this, the import countries that spread all over the world and are provided with different cultural backgrounds have diverse packaging requirements correspondingly. Since the packaging culture plays a very important role in the global marketing, in order to avoid the failures in international marketing caused by the differences of packaging culture, the packaging designers have to fully understand the cultures of the local consumers in import countries and adapt their packaging culture of goods to them. Some powerful developed countries are in the dominant place in the globalization, and their particular requirements on packaging should be also well understood by export-oriented enterprises. Green packaging mode has become prevalent around the world and gradually has set common criterion for export goods. It reminds exporters of the significance of environment protection and the spirit of humanism.Those cultural elements embodied by packaging have great influence on the sale promotion of export goods, including law, education, religion and belief, age and gender, habits and local customs, language and social trends and so on. The exporters and their packaging designers should deal with very carefully these elements when they are going to work out their packaging strategies. In a competitive international market, the rule is the survival of the fittest. Export-oriented enterprises have to meet requirements of target markets by all means. Exporters should work out their packaging strategy according to the different requirements for packaging of export goods. However, the dilemma for them is how they can adapt their packaging strategy to target culture. If they give up their own culture in order to meet special requirement of target culture, they will be at the risk of being assimilated by target culture and thus becoming indistinctive. Another way is that they use the packaging of their goods as a bridge which spans between home culture and target culture. In this way, home culture can coexist with target cultures and thus developing jointly and harmoniously.The first chapter is going to introduce the concept, origin, evolution and functions of packaging. The second chapter will discuss components and traits of packaging culture of export goods, and also introduce the features of goods packaging in some developed countries. Additionally this chapter will explain the traits of Green Packaging mode and its influences on consuming activities and commodity production. The third chapter will elaborate on the influences on marketing of export goods brought by cultural elements embodied in packaging and different kinds of packaging strategies adopted by export-oriented enterprises. The conclusion will restate the influences on sales promotion of export goods brought by packaging culture, exporters and packaging designers should pay more attention to them.

  • 【分类号】J524.2
  • 【下载频次】572

