

【作者】 梁宏

【导师】 梁津明;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 宪法与行政法, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,大量的土地征收补偿争议成为困扰我国新农村建设的难题,也是当前影响农村社会稳定和发展的首要问题。因此探索和研究如何完善土地征收行政补偿制度,从而推进全社会的和谐发展,已经成为一个非常急迫的问题。研究土地征收行政补偿问题对于解决上述问题,具有十分重要的意义。基于此,本文运用了比较研究、实证研究的方法对土地征收行政补偿的若干问题作了较为全面和深入的分析,并在此基础上提出了完善的设想和建议。本文的内容共分四部分:第一部分是土地征收行政补偿制度概说,从土地征收行政补偿的内涵、法律制度框架、功能三个方面对土地征收行政补偿制度作了介绍,为下文的论述提供理论依据。第二部分是对土地征收行政补偿原则的探讨,先从我国目前土地征收补偿原则的现状分析入手,在考察借鉴国外土地征收补偿原则的基础上得到重要启示,即我国宪法中应该确立公正补偿的原则,在此基础上对如何完善我国土地征收行政补偿原则提出详细的建议。第三部分是对土地征收行政补偿方式的探讨,这一部分也是从现状分析入手,既分析了土地征收行政补偿方式在立法上的新突破,也分析了目前存在的不足,紧接着对国外典型的土地征收补偿方式以及国内土地征收行政补偿方式中的先进经验进行了考察与借鉴,进而得出我国应该从以下三个方面完善土地征收行政补偿方式,即规范货币补偿方式的法律程序、重点完善社会保险方式、开拓被征地农民的再就业补偿方式。第四部分是对土地征收行政补偿救济制度的探讨,重点从行政救济和司法救济两个角度对如何完善土地征收行政补偿救济制度进行了论述,建议完善土地征收行政补偿的裁决制度,并且建议将土地征收行政补偿纠纷纳入司法救济的范围中。

【Abstract】 In recent years, a large number of controversial land acquisition compensation become a new problem in China’s rural construction problems, but also an impact on the social stability and development of the rural areas the most important issue. Therefore exploration and study how to improve the land acquisition executive compensation system so as to promote the harmonious development of the whole society, has become a very urgent issue.Study on the issue of compensation of land acquisition for solving the above problems, is of great significance. Based on this, we use the comparative study of the Empirical Research on the method of land acquisition compensation made a number of issues more comprehensive and in-depth analysis, and based on this, put forward sound ideas and proposals. The content of the paper is divided into four parts:The first part is the land acquisition compensation system estimates that the land acquisition compensation from the essence of the framework of the legal system, the functional areas of land for three administrative compensation system was introduced, as discussed below provide a theoretical basis. The second part of the land on the principle of compensation, the first of China’s current land acquisition compensation principle of the analysis of the current situation in the inspection foreign land acquisition compensation on the basis of the principle of an important lesson that should be established in our Constitution just compensation principle, and then on how to improve China’s land on the principle of compensation submit detailed proposals. The third part is to land on the way of compensation, is this part of the analysis of the current situation, Analysis of both the land acquisition compensation in the legislative breakthroughs, but also the analysis of the current shortage, Immediately after the foreign typical land acquisition compensation, as well as domestic land acquisition compensation in the way he inspected the advanced experience and learn from, China should further come from the following three aspects to perfect land acquisition compensation, That regulate monetary compensation form of legal process, focusing on the improvement of the social insurance, to develop the landless farmers re-employment compensation. The fourth Part is the land for the relief system of compensation .Focus from the perspective of both the executive and the judiciary on how to improve the land acquisition compensation relief system are discussed. Improve the proposed land acquisition compensation ruling system. And the proposed land acquisition compensation disputes into the scope of judicial relief.

  • 【分类号】D922.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】333

