

【作者】 姜珠玉

【导师】 肖立军;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 明代兵部是明代中央的重要机构。对该机构的探讨,既是中国古代军制史研究的重要课题,也是明代政治制度史研究的一个组成部分。目前对于明代兵部尚无专门研究论著问世,一般是在政治制度通史或断代史(明代政治制度史)有所涉及。对于明代兵部,其沿革、建置、职掌以及该部官员(以尚书为代表)的任职情况,是相关研究的重要内容。而明代中期的兵部在明代承前启后,颇具研究价值。明代兵部沿袭前代,同时又有了不同于前代的一些变化,如创设司务厅。由于朱元璋罢中书省,废丞相,分大都督府为五军都督府,兵部地位由此上升(其上已无宰相),成为皇帝领导下的最高军政机构,在军政方面发挥了比前朝更大的作用。明初兵部的相关制度几经调整,到明中期基本定型,并一直延续到明朝后期。明代中期兵部的职掌,主要是管理武官、核实军伍、管理马政、受命征调军队、督促修缮城池、负责车驾及驿站、掌管军功及赏罚等事务。此外,还有议奏国家军政事宜、外出执行任务、参与殿试阅卷、祭奠活动和一些典礼等等。进入中期以后,兵部又参与京营管理。兵部尚书是兵部的正(长)官,这一群体的任职情况在该部官员中颇具典型。明代中期的兵部尚书群体多为进士出身,有的由本部侍郎升任,有的由其它衙门迁转。明代中期,农民起义爆发较多,“南倭北虏”威胁明朝,兵部尚书这个职位有很大的风险。专制君主反复无常的性格以及其宠臣近侍的喜恶都影响着兵部尚书的前途和命运。明代中期58位在部兵部尚书中,被皇帝罢免或治罪者至少有15人,甚至还有两人被皇帝杀死。明代中期的前段,兵部尚书任职相对稳定,中期的后段则更代频繁。明代兵部比中国古代其它时期的兵部地位略高。明中期占整个明朝大约一半的时间,明中期兵部的相关制度,是明代乃至中国古代军制史的重要内容之一。

【Abstract】 The Board of War in Ming Dynasty is an important organization of the central authority. Both the investigation and discussion of the organization are not only the important subject for the historical study of military system in ancient China, but also a part of the historical study of political system in Ming Dynasty. At present, there is still no special monograph on this point, which is generally referred to in the general history of political system or the dynastic history (political system of Ming Dynasty). For the Board of War in Ming Dynasty, its evolution, establishment, duty and activities of officials in this department (minister as representative), are the important contents of the relevant studies. The Board of War in the mid-Ming Dynasty serves as a link between past and future, and possesses research value.The Board of War in Ming Dynasty followed the previous dynasties, but at the same time it had some changes, like the creation of a new department called miscellaneous duty. Zhu Yuanzhang canceled the Zhongshu Province and the prime minister, divided the big governor into five governors, and thus the status of the Board of War improved (there was no the prime minister above). As a result, it became the senior organization of ministry and politics under the emperor’s direct leading, giving play to more strong effect than the previous dynasties. The relative systems of the Board of War in the early Ming Dynasty were adjusted several times. It was basically fixed in the mid-Ming Dynasty, and lasted until the late Ming.The duty of the Board of War in Ming Dynasty were mainly managing military officials and horses, checking the armies, calling up troops, supervising to repair city wall and moat, charging the carriages and the courier stations, administering the soldiers’ rewards and punishments. Besides, it also included discussing the affairs on military and politics, going out to carry out tasks, engaging in going over in emperor exam papers, holding memorial activities and some ceremonies, etc. After entering the mid-Ming Dynasty, the Board of War participated in armies’ management in Capital. The ministers of the Board of War were the leader of the Board of War, and the official’s activities were typical among the officials in this department. The ministers were mainly successful candidates in the highest imperial examinations, some were promoted from vice minister, others came from other departments. During this period, a lot of Peasants’ Revolts broke out, and "south Japan-north Mongolia" threatened Ming dynasty, and therefore the post of minister of the Board of War was seriously challenged. The autocratic monarch’s capricious characteristic, as well as the attitudes of ministers and attendants favored by the emperor influence their future and destiny. At least 15 were removed from office or punished, even two were killed by the emperor in the 58 ministers of the Board of War. In the first period of the mid-Ming Dynasty, the post of the minister of the Board of War was relatively stable, but in the late period, it changed frequently.The status of the Board of War in Ming Dynasty is higher than that of those in other Dynasties. The mid-Ming Dynasty accounds for about half period of Ming Dynasty, the relative system about the Board of War in the mid-Ming Dynasty, is one of the most important contents of minitary system in Ming Dynasty even in ancient China.

  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】257

