

【作者】 张素玲

【导师】 曹永光;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 新时期以来新词语的专论和新词语词典的编纂成为词汇学研究的热点问题,研究者们投入了极大的热情或者对新出现的词条进行及时的收集和整理,或者对新词语进行不同层面的分析和探讨,进入20世纪90年代以后更是论著明显增多,质量有所提高。经过研究者们将近30年的努力,现代汉语新词语研究由浅入深,取得了一定的成绩。笔者收集整理了新时期以来关于新词语的研究论文和专著、报纸等资料,对其进行梳理和分析,按新词语研究的发展程度将其划分为三个阶段:20世纪70年代末至80年代中后期新词语研究的初步发展、20世纪80年代末至20世纪末新词语研究的繁荣发展、21世纪以来新词语研究的创新发展。在行文过程中力争将本阶段的研究重点和热点进行详细介绍和分析,对其不足及发展前景做了总结和归纳,将历时研究与共时研究相结合,将研究的发展变化与本人的观点分析相结合,以期对新词语研究提供一点参考。笔者认为,新词语研究经过将近30年的发展已经形成了一种所谓的“范式”,目前新词语研究可以说处于瓶颈时期,在未来的发展中需要建立一种“新范式”,笔者在结语部分从要在整体上把握新词语研究,进行多学科交叉研究、与对外汉语教学相结合,充分利用计算机技术四个方面对“新范式”的建立进行了论述。

【Abstract】 It is clear that the monographies and lexicographies on new words are a focus since the New Time. Researchers showed great enthusiasm for the timely collection and editing of the new words. And analyses and discussions are carried out at different levels. It is obvious that the quality and quantity of the theses on this subject have greatly increased since 1990s. After thirty years of efforts, the researches have achieved a lot on this subject, and witnessed development from a lower to a higher lever, from the shallower to the deeper. After analyzing the materials, including recent theses, monographies, and newspaper on the subject, the author divided the process of new words analysis into three stages according to the research level: the preliminary stage of new words analysis from the late 1970s to the middle and late 1980s; the prosperous stage of new words analysis from late 1980s to the end of the 20th century; the innovative stage of new words analysis since the 21st century. The author will present the detailed analysis of the hot issues throughout her research, concluding the shortcomings and future potentials of this subject from diachronic and synchronic perspectives. Combining her own comprehension with the development of the subject, the author strongly hoped that this tentative research would trigger following efforts towards this field.The author argues that there is a "stereotype" exists in the field of new words analysis throughout these thirty years of researches. In other words, the new words analysis is strained on the bottleneck period, and requires to establish a new model in the following research. In the last chapter, the author concludes into four norms: to analyze the new words in the view of the overall situation; to do interdisciplinary study; to combine the new words study with the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language; to take the best of the computer technology.

【关键词】 新时期新词语发展新范式
【Key words】 the New Timenew wordsdevelopmentnew model
  • 【分类号】H136
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】2765

