

【作者】 吕传钰

【导师】 刘强;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 动物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 拟孔蜂巨柄啮小蜂Melittobia acasta是西鄂尔多斯荒漠地区重要传粉昆虫——火红拟孔蜂Hoplitis pyrrhosoma的寄生性天敌之一。寄生性天敌的危害一直是制约火红拟孔蜂种群增长的重要因素。因此对该蜂的天敌啮小蜂进行深入研究,对于保护火红拟孔蜂具有重要意义,同时对于开发啮小蜂进行生物防治也具有重要意义。本文采用室内试验的方法,对啮小蜂的生物学特性、寄生家蝇、对寄主火红拟孔蜂的搜索线索和与拟孔蜂宽缘金小蜂的相互关系进行了研究,主要内容及结果如下:1.拟孔蜂巨柄啮小蜂是火红拟孔蜂的一种寄生天敌。观察表明,该蜂还可寄生于下列幼虫:伏暗蜂Stelis franconica、蜂虻Anthrax spp.、短毛异蜂虻Hemipenthes volutinus、郭公虫Trichodes spp.、缘条蜂Anthophora altaica和家蝇Musca domestica。在恒温22℃、24℃、26℃、30℃的实验条件下,测定了其发育历期和生殖力等参数。结果表明,该蜂的发育起点温度为16.93℃,有效积温为617.04日度。在22℃~30℃,随温度升高,该蜂的发育历期缩短。在24℃该蜂产卵量最大,30℃时种群的内禀增长率最大。2.拟孔蜂巨柄啮小蜂是一种可以寄生家蝇的寄生蜂。以15%糖水饲养该小蜂寿命最长;单只啮小蜂最多可以寄生8只蝇蛹,最大出蜂总量达58只;单个蝇蛹最多出蜂22只;随着寄生蜂的日龄和蝇蛹日龄增加,该蜂对蝇蛹的寄生个数有下降的趋势,寄生率和寄生蜂日龄符合y=3.36-0.062x-0.045x~2,寄生率和蝇蛹日龄符合y=2.50+0.91x-0.34x~2;蝇蛹的密度对小蜂的寄生率的影响拟合Holling功能反应模型:Na=0.6165Tr№(1+0.6165X0.499№);寄生蜂自身密度对寄生率的影响符合方程:a=0.4943p-0.306。进一步在养虫笼内测试了啮小蜂对家蝇种群的控制作用,结果表明家蝇的种群密度因为啮小蜂的释放而出现下降。3.拟孔蜂巨柄啮小蜂可以寄生拟孔蜂宽缘金小蜂幼虫,形成重寄生。不同龄期拟孔蜂宽缘金小蜂幼虫影响拟孔蜂巨柄啮小蜂的寄生,随着金小蜂幼虫龄期的增加,啮小蜂的发育历期缩短,出蜂数目增加。在三种啮小蜂:金小蜂的密度比例下,最后羽化出蜂的均为啮小蜂。在三种密度比例下啮小蜂在发育历期、出蜂数具有显著差异(P<0.05)。随着密度比例的增大,啮小蜂的发育历期延长,出蜂数减少,但在性比没有差异。选择性试验表明啮小蜂先寄生未被金小蜂产卵寄生的火红拟孔蜂的幼虫。4.拟孔蜂巨柄啮小蜂在搜索寄主——火红拟孔蜂的幼虫时使用气味线索。使用培养皿法、Y型管法和线型嗅觉仪法,证明了巢室散发的气味对该小蜂有吸引作用,小蜂对筑巢植物草霸王、木霸王、猪毛菜、雾冰藜具有很高的选择率,对白刺和红沙的选择率较低。形状和颜色对该小蜂的寄主选择没有影响。5.拟孔蜂巨柄啮小蜂对火红拟孔蜂6种筑巢植物及其水蒸气蒸馏法提取的挥发物质具有触角电位反应,对筑巢植物触角电位反应值高于对提取物的触角电位反应值(除白刺外)。

【Abstract】 Melittobia acasta is a natural enemy for Holitis pyrrhosoma which is an important pollinator for hungrinaness plants in West Erdos especially for Tetraena rnonoglica.The main reason for declining Holitis pyrrhosoma population is their natural enemies.For the sake of protecting Holitis pyrrhosoma and take advantage of Melittobia acasta,we studied the Melittobia acasta.We experimented indoors on the biology of Melittobia acasta,the efficacy of this wasp as a biological control agent against house fly,cues used by Melittobia acasta to assist in host location and the interspecific with pachyneuron rnaculipenis.The main contents and results are as follows:1.Melittobia acasta is the major parasitoid of Hoplitis pyrrhosoma.The results indicate that it can oviposite into the larvae of Hoplitis pyrrhosoma and other larvaes(Stelis franconica、Anthrax spp.、Hemipenthes volutinus.、Trichodes spp.and Anthophora altaica)。At constant temperature(22℃,24℃,26℃,30℃), we obtain the effect of temperature on development time and reproductive ability. The temperature threshold thermal requirement for development from egg to adult were 16.93℃and 617.04 day-degree respectively.From 22℃to30℃,the development time become shorter with the temperature rising.At 24℃,Melittobia acasta can produce the largest amount of egg oviposition,at 30℃Rm of the population is the highest.2.Melittobia acasta Walker is a parasitoid of Musca domestica.The paper studied for the first time the effect of food on the longevity of Melittobia acasta and the relationship between parasitic rate and the age and density of the parasitoid and pupae The results showed that Melittobia acasta feeded with 15%glucose solution had the longest longevity.One Melittobia acasta could be the parasitoid of eight Musca domestica pupae and could reproduce 58 progenies;and 22 progennies would be reproduced on one pupa.With the increase of the age of Melittobia acasta and Musca domestica,the parasitic rate decreased.The relationship between the parasitic rate(Y)and the age of the parasitoid(X)was y=3.36-0.062x-0.045x2,The relationship between the parasitic rate(Y)and the age of the pupa(X)was y=2.50+0.91x-0.34x2;The relationship between the density of Musca domestica and the parasitic rate could be described by Holling Model Na=O.6165TrNo(1+0.6165×0.499 No);and the relationship between the density of Melittobia acasta and the parasitic rate was a=0.4943p-0.306. We tested the efficacy of this wasp as a biological control agent against house flies.The mean density of house flies was distinctly suppressed due to Melittobia acasta released.3.Melittobia acasta could hyperparasitoid pachyneuron maculipenis.Different larval ages pachyneuron maculipenis could decrease the development time and increase F1 progenies of Melittobia acasta.Under three density ratios, Melittobia acasta was always the last specie to eclose/emerge and there were significant differences in development duration and wasps progeny(P<0.05).As density ratio went up,development duration increased,wasps progeny decreased, but no obvious differences occurred to sex ratio.The studies indicated that host parasitized by pachyneuron maculipenis become progressive suitable as the primary parasitoid developed.The sex ratio of hyperparasitoid emerging from all hosts stages was consistently female-biased.Melittobia acasta females could rapidly distinguish between unparasitized host and those parasitized by pachyneuron maculipenis4 Melittobia acasta uses volatile cues to assist in host location.Throng Y-tube and Linear airflow olfactomete,petri dishes methods,these results demonstrated that volites cues emitted by nest plants are more attractive to the Melittobia acasta and thereby promote its effiency of host foraging.the role of wasp vision in host acceptance of the wasp was investigated,but had no effect.5 The role of volatile cues in mediating the location and selection used by Melittobia acasta was investigated using EAG.Using volatile extracts collected by steam distillation from nest plants,a number of active peaks were located by EAG for Melittobia acasta.It indicated that differential attractiveness for Melittobia acasta is partly due to difference in volatile semiochemicals emitted from the nest plants.

  • 【分类号】Q96;S476.3
  • 【下载频次】110

