

【作者】 施翀

【导师】 金国坤;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 宪法与行政法, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 行政立法不作为是指行政主体负有制定行政法规或行政规章的义务并且具有作为的可能性,而不履行其制定行政法规或行政规章的法定职权和法定程序的一种消极状态。行政立法不作为会影响到不特定的行政相对人的权利义务,由于这种抽象行政行为经常是具体行政行为的依据,也是具体行政不作为义务产生的依据,如果行政机关不及时修改或废止与上级法律规范相冲突的行政规范,就可能导致行政机关的具体行政不作为的发生,从而对相对人的权利义务产生更为直接的影响。研究行政立法不作为,具有重大的理论和实践意义。本文共四章。第一章“行政立法不作为概述”,从两个案例入手,主要分析了什么是行政立法不作为,它的特征、危害、表现形态以及构成要件。这部分是整篇文章的理论基础,后面几章的内容都是在这个基础上展开的。第二章“行政立法不作为的原因分析”,分别从传统观念的影响、权限划分的缺陷、对行政立法的监督乏力、行政主体的利益诉求等几个方面进行了详细的分析。第三章“行政立法不作为的控制机制”,通过对国外行政立法不作为的控制机制的比较,提出我国对于行政立法不作为控制机制的构想。第四章“行政立法不作为的救济”,从行政立法不作为的行政复议救济、行政诉讼救济及国家赔偿救济三个方面来分析。

【Abstract】 Administration legislative nonfeasance is a disappear state that the administrator has the specific legal duty to constitute administration code or administration regulations and it is possible for the administrator to perform the duty, but the administrator nonfulfillment the legal authority and legal proceedings to constitute administration codes or administration regulations. Administration legislative nonfeasance will touch the non-specifically administration comparatively hominine’s right and obligation. Resultingly the abstract administration action not only according as the idiographic administration action, but also according as the idiographic administration nonfeasance. If the administrator doesn’t perfect or abolish the administration criterions which afoul with the superior law in time, the administration department’s idiographic administration nonfeasance will be happen. It is a very important problem to study administration legislative nonfeasance.The article is divided into four parts. Chapter one, "Why Administration legislative nonfeasance is raised as an issue" , from two cases, mostly analysis what is administration legislative nonfeasance . It’s character、harm、behave conformation and conditions of the administration legislative nonfeasance. It is the theoretical foundation of the whole dissertation, and the basis of later chapters.Chapter two, "The cause of administration legislative nonfeasance". It will analyse several aspects, history causation, popedom partition, supervise administration legislative and the administrator’s advantage.Chapter three, "The liability and redress for administration legislative nonfeasance", expounds the views on this problems, when administration legislative nonfeasance infringes upon citizens’ fundamental rights, whether the administrator should take responsibility and what responsibility should bear for the infringement, how carry throw effective redress. It will bring forward a few redress which adapt to our country’s instance overpass compare to overseas administration legislative nonfeasance’s control mechanism.Chapter four, "The redress of administration legislative nonfeasance". It will analyse three aspects, Administrative Reconsideration, Administrative Litigation, the state compensation obligation of administration.

  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】217

