

Design and Implementation of Web-based Psychology Experiment Table Management System

【作者】 王旭

【导师】 吴晓荣;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在网络教育快速发展的今天,网络教学中实验教学手段的重要性与日俱增。本论文设计并开发了一套心理学实验台管理系统,该系统通过串口通信的方式由上位机发送指令到下位机进行心理学仪器的控制,达到完成心理学实验的目的。实验由教师进行主控,这样可以针对每一位学生进行实验安排,形成一对多的实验教学形式。网络化远程控制管理是管理系统发展的必然趋势。然而,现有的远程管理方式还较难做到由主控机同时控制管理众多的心理学实验台,尤其是在与各平台之间的数据传输通信方面,更是瓶颈所在。为克服现有的心理学实验台远程管理的缺陷,本课题提出并实现了一种基于分布式数据库的网络化远程管理系统。本系统的设计思想是将每一个实验台内安排一个局部的数据库,位于不同地点的许多实验台通过网络互相连接,共同组成一个完整的、全局的大型数据库。这样就良好地解决了远程控制下,多个实验台之间的数据传输方面的困境。在此基础上,教师只需远程控制每个实验台的本地数据库,就可以对该实验台台进行相应的控制管理。本模式下的远程控制,即使每个实验台的物理位置分散,教师仍然可对其进行管理操控,因此具有良好的拓展性。本课题以分布式数据库技术为主要特色,针对一套心理学实验台的管理系统进行了研究和开发。目前该系统已进入试运行阶段,用户反应良好。

【Abstract】 Today the education in the network has developed fast. The test become a more and more important part of teaching approaches. In this thesis, the writer designed a psychology experiment set management system. The system take the control toward the psychology instruments and attaining the purpose of the psychology experiment completion. The experiment is carried on by the teacher in the network. So the experiment can be an arrangement to each student and become an experiment teaching form that one server controls many users.However, existing long range management methods are still more difficult to attain is controled machine by the lord to control to manage numerous psychology experiment sets in the meantime. Particularly the correspondence aspect with delivering the data, is also a bottleneck.In order to overcome existing blemish with the long range management of the psychology experiment sets, this topic puts forward and carried out a kind to turn long range management system according to the network of distributed database. The design thought of this system is to arrange a local database inside each experiment set, and to connect them with each other through the network, then to constitute a database of integrity together. Though each physical position of the experiment set is different, the teacher still can carry on managing operation from the server computer.

  • 【分类号】B849
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】128

