
基于FREESCALE AW系列单片机的GPS车载终端的设计与研究

【作者】 陈慧琴

【导师】 尤一鸣;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术和定位技术的快速发展,许多厂商都研制并生产出了适用于个人或者特殊行业的移动定位产品,这为人们的出行提供了极大的便利,尤其是一些车辆定位及管理系统,大大提高了交通的管理效率。而本课题所研究的车载定位产品,是面向中小型用户的,具有成本低、功能可靠的优点。本系统包括车载终端和监控中心两个部分,其中每个部分都是硬件和软件的统一体。设计工作主要包括如下几个方面:系统整体框架的提出;相关硬件产品的选择;车载终端设备的GPS定位模块的外围接口电路板和主控模块电路板的设计、组装及调试;监控中心数据采集软件的设计与编程实现。本系统采用了GPS定位技术,可以提供全天候的定位功能,同时可以提供精确的速度信息等;车载终端的主控模块部分采用飞思卡尔公司最新推出的MC9S08AW60微控制器,这使得中心处理器能够同时响应GPS定位接收机和SMS无线通讯模块的请求;车载终端和监控中心服务器之间的通讯采用SMS短信方式。本系统所使用的硬件、技术,都是基于性价比的考虑,使得本系统成本低、功能可靠,并且通过软件的升级,可以轻松地扩展系统的功能。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the computer and positioning technology, a great number of manufactures develop their products for mobile positioning. All of these give us more convenience during travel and improve the traffic management. This paper proposed a mobile positioning system made for low—end users. This system features in low cost and high stability.This system consists of mobile positioning terminal and monitor center all of which includes software and hardware implementations. This paper mainly presents the system structure; hardware products selection; GPS receiver peripheral.circuit and main controller module circuit design; data acquisition software design and implementation.This system is based on GPS technique, which can offer round—the—clock positioning function; MC9S08AW60 processor is used in main controller module, so that the main processor can respond to the GPS module and GSM module simultaneously; the communication manner between mobile terminal and monitor center is SMS messages.This system is suitable for low—end users because the cost was carefully considered when we were selecting hardware products and technique. And its function can be expanded easily by software update.

【关键词】 GPSGSM监控中心车载终端单片机
【Key words】 GPSGSMMonitor CenterMCU
  • 【分类号】U463.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】291

