

【作者】 王文燕

【导师】 姜亚明; 刘梁森;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 纺织工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首次详细地对几种纤维的纬编双轴向织物增强树脂基复合材料的力学性能进行实验研究,包括:拉伸性能、压缩性能、弯曲性能和冲击性能。实验中所用复合材料的增强结构为:玻璃纤维织物、芳纶纤维织物和高强聚乙烯纤维织物,这三种织物均与乙烯基酯树脂和不饱和聚酯树脂固化制成复合材料,以上几种复合材料均采用RTM固化工艺。另外,我们还对不同纤维的混编织物增强的乙烯基酯复合材料进行研究。首先,本论文对实验所用纤维原料进行拉伸性能测试,并简要介绍了所用纤维原料的一些性能。其次,选择合适的树脂、固化剂和促进剂,对其进行多次比例调节,选出最合适的固化时间。再次,对制成的各种复合材料分别进行拉伸、压缩、弯曲和冲击实验,并进行分析比较。对不同纤维混合编织织物增强的乙烯基酯复合材料分别进行压缩、弯曲和冲击实验,对各个实验结果进行分析,并得出一定的结论。实验研究和分析结果表明:1、拉伸性能:基体材料相同时,芳纶纤维增强复合材料优于玻璃纤维增强复合材料;横向试样优于纵向试样;2、压缩性能:基体材料相同时,玻璃纤维复合材料优于芳纶纤维复合材料,高强聚乙烯纤维复合材料是几种复合材料中最低的;横向试样优于纵向试样。3、弯曲性能:基体材料相同时,比强度:玻璃纤维复合材料高于芳纶纤维复合材料,高强聚乙烯纤维复合材料是三种材料中最低的;b、比模量:芳纶纤维复合材料是最高的,其次为玻璃纤维复合材料,高强聚乙烯纤维复合材料是最低的。4、冲击性能:吸收冲击能量的性能,高强聚乙烯纤维复合材料优于芳纶纤维复合材料,玻璃纤维复合材料吸收冲击能量的性能是最差的。另外,对于玻璃纤维和高强聚乙烯纤维的混合编织织物增强的复合材料,其各项力学性能均介于玻璃纤维复合材料和高强聚乙烯纤维复合材料之间。最后,本论文还指出了实验过程中的不足,并对纬编双轴向织物增强的复合材料力学性能的研究方向进行展望。

【Abstract】 The paper studies in detail the mechanical properties of multi-layered biaxial weft knitted fabric reinforced composites for the first time, including tensile properties, compressive properties, bending properties and impact properties.The inserted yarns include glass fiber, Kevlar fiber and UHMWPE fiber, the chosen resin are Vinyl Ester (VE) and Unsaturated Polyester Resin, respectively, and the RTM technology is selected to consolidate the reinforced composites. In addition, a hybrid composite is also studied, whose reinforcement includes glass fiber and UHMWPE fiber, consolidated with VE.Firstly, this paper studies the tensile properties of the inserted fibers, and introduces their other properties.Secondly, consolidation paraments are optimized.Thirdly, the paper tests the tensile properties、compressive properties, bending properties and impact properties of composites reinforced by different reinforce structures, using different resins. For the hibrid composite reinforced by glass fiber and UHMWPE fiber, the compressive properties, bending properties and impact properties were tested. Compared and analysed the results of each testing, and got some conclusions.The research shows that this kind of composites bear excellent mechanical properties:1. Tensile properties: For the same resin, the tensile properties of the composite reinforced by Kevlar fiber is better than that of glass fiber reinforced composites. And the transversal property is always higher than the longitudinal propertiy.2. Compressive properties: For the same resin, the compressive properties of composite reinforced by glass fiber is the best, then the Kevlar reinforced composites, and the UHMWPE fiber reinforced composites is the worst. For each kind of composites, the transversal property is better than the longitudinal property.3. Bending properties: For the same resin, the bending strength of the composites shows that the composites reinforced by glass fiber is the highest, then the composite reinforced by Kevlar fiber, and the composite reinforced by UHMWPE fiber is the lowest; and the modulus of the composites shows that the composite reinfoeced by Kevlar fiber is the biggest, then is the composite reinforced by glass fiber, the composite reinforced by UNMWPE is the smallest.4. Impact properties: The composite reinforced by UHMWPE fiber has the best capability of absorbing impact energy, then is the composite reinforced by Kevlar fiber, the capability of composite reinforced by glass fiber is the worst. And the performance of the hybrid composite is intervenient, it is better than the composite reinforced by glass fiber, and it is worse than the composite reinforced by UHMWPE fiber.Finally, in this paper, the weakness of the present research and the potential study are also indicated.

  • 【分类号】TB332
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】377

