

【作者】 徐丰芹

【导师】 徐湘元;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 模式识别与智能系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 轮胎是机动车辆的重要部件之一,其质量的好坏直接影响到车辆的性能,轮胎成型机是轮胎制造的关键设备,成型机控制系统的稳定性、精确性是影响轮胎成型品质的一个重要因素。国内传统的成型机设备,自动化水平还比较低,工艺控制精度无法得到保证,产品质量波动较大,已经很难满足对定位精度以及产品质量的要求,这就对轮胎成型机的自动控制设计提出了更高的要求。该课题是依据烟台东泽电气自动化有限公司为青岛双星橡塑机械有限公司设计的LCZ-3B全钢载重子午胎一次法成型机而做的,它以轮胎的成型工艺为前提,引入了西门子的PLC S7-400、伺服驱动系统S120、面板工控机PC677等产品,来实现轮胎成型机的自动控制功能。在成型机的系统设计中,各部件的精确定位是保证轮胎成型质量的重要前提,这就涉及到伺服系统的选择。本项目选用了西门子最新伺服驱动系统S120做伺服控制。S120既有高精度的速度控制功能,又具有强大的定位功能,可实现伺服轴的相对和绝对定位。应用S120自身定位功能,无需外加定位模块,简化了PLC程序设计,并且通过修改参数可以实现多组定位功能。PLC是整个项目的核心组件,控制系统大部分工作都要通过它完成,因此PLC程序代码的编辑工作量特别大也特别复杂,本文详细介绍了PLC程序设计的方法、PLC程序结构及程序功能,并且还对一些比较经典的程序进行了举例说明。上位机选用的是西门子的PC677面板式工控机,将成型工艺程序在VB环境中编译后,生成可执行文件,嵌入到运行状态的WinCC监控软件中,作为监控软件的一部分来实现对工艺程序的编译和下载。在上位机中编写编译程序,解决了在轮胎生产过程中在工艺参数不固定的条件下,如何灵活方便地修改控制程序的问题,从而使操作更加简单高效。根据轮胎成型系统的特点,本文在控制策略上采用了一种变比值、变增益及变积分时间常数的智能PID控制器,同时还应用了多模态控制策略及双重位置控制等先进的控制思想,使控制系统达到了较好的控制目标。

【Abstract】 The tire is one of the important parts of the motor vehicle. Its quality can directly influence the vehicle. The tire building machine is the key equipment of the tire and its stalibility and accuracy are important factors which can influence the tire building machine. The automation level of the domestic traditional tire building machine is not very high. It can not guarantee the technology accuracy. And the quality often changes. That is to say it can not satisfy the requirement of the accuracy and the quality. There will be a higher requirement for automation design.This project -LCZ-3B All-Steel Radial Tire Building Machine is provided for the Qingdao doublestar Rubber & Plastic Co., Ltd by Yantai Dongze factory automation Co., Ltd. It uses the PLC, the S120 and PC677 of Siemens to guarantee the technology. And the key parts includes the S120 servo system design, the PLC program and the PC configuration.During the system design of the tire building machine, the positioning precision of all parts is the precondition to make good tire. So we need to choose a good servo. In the project S120 is chosen. It has not only high precision speed control but position control function to realize relative and absolute positioning. It can simplify the PLC program and can modify several groups parameters.PLC is the core component of the system and most of the work needs to be done by it. So the program design is very complex. The paper will detailedly introduce the design method, the function and the structure. And then introduces some typical program designs.PC677 control panel is chosen in the project. VB is embedded in the WinCC and the technology is compiled in the VB environment and created .exe file in the WinCC software to realize the compiling and downloading of the technology. It can resolve the problem which the PLC program needs to change with the technology parameters. This can help the equipment work effectively and easily.The paper adopts several advanced control methods according to the building machine such as intelligent PID control, multi-mode intelligent control and pre-control so that the system has good control target.

  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】164

