

The Research of Cultivating Engineering Higher Vocational Education Students’ Practical Ability

【作者】 韩淑君

【导师】 薛岩松; 郭长江;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 工业工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 高职教育在短短二十几年的时间里,由无到有、由小到大、从弱到强,为各地经济社会发展培养了大批急需的高等技术应用型人才,取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就。对于工程类高等职业教育产业来说,所培养出的学生的综合素质和实践能力的好坏决定着其生存和发展。实践能力的培养是工程类高职院校教育的核心问题,它也是衡量职业教育成功与否的重要尺度之一。加强对我国工程类高职院校学生实践能力培养的研究,从根本上提高我国一线工程技术人才的教育质量,将会促进我国经济的建设与发展,更好为社会建设服务。目前,工程类高等职业院校普遍存在着办学条件、培养模式、师资队伍、课程改革等阻碍人才培养目标实现和健康发展的瓶颈问题,阻碍了学生实践能力的培养。这就促使工程类高职院校树立现代职业教育,加强师资队伍和实践教学环境建设,实现高等职业教育健康和可持续发展。本文就工程类高职院校学生实践能力培养做出了简要论述,从马克思主义实践观点出发,对高职学生实践能力进行了科学的界定,并且全面地分析了学生实践能力特征、结构。本文还分析了当前我国工程类高职院校学生实践能力培养存在的问题和成因,通过国外职业教育模式的启发论述了提高我国工程类职业院校学生实践能力的途径和策略。以期为高职院校加强大学生实践能力培养提供有益的借鉴。

【Abstract】 About twenty years ago high vocational college education has raise from a small presence to a very substantial power. These high vocational colleges have contributed to the development of local communities through the transfer of knowledge, technology, and a skilled workforce. The aim of high vocational college is to cultivate engineer a professional level of technological know-how by educating the student’s overall sense of accomplishment in decision, making decide their lives practicing-learning through trial and error training the student’s ability through practicing is the core competency of the high vocational college, which is also a measure in which to judge a professional education’s level of success. Strengthening the national research involves understanding the professional studies from fundamentals to heighten technological advancement within the individual; this will improve the overall national economic development, thus serving society even better.Currently high vocational college generally exceeds speculations. There speculations include the conditions of the rules governing the schools, student’s training patterns. the teacher’s status, education cost reforms, while realizing talents, objectives, and goals, hindering the student’s ability to practice can impede the college’s set up in obtaining the goal of a modern education, strengthening the teacher’s ranks through practicing lesson plans, and environment building to achieve professional sustainable development education levels.This article gives a simple suggestion on how to improve a high vocational college student’s educational level from Karl Marx’s doctrines view, giving a scientific limit for analyzing high vocational college student’s practice ability characteristic, and structure comprehensively. In addition, the passage also analyzes the national level of a college student’s ability questioning and cause and reason for the college student’s ability through a foreign professional education model. discussion of the manner and tactics for raising the country’s college student’s practice ability. This passage aspires to provide beneficial use for reference, and to draw lessons from in strengthening high vocational college student’s practice ability.

  • 【分类号】G718.5
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】617

