

【作者】 苏乐

【导师】 李向波; 关宝庭;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 工业工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 为使“业主负责制、招标投标制、合同管理制、质量监理制”这一套独特的物资管理机制,在实现优化资源配置、确保供货质量、降低采购成本、控制项目单耗、提高劳动效率、节约工程造价等方面发挥其巨大的效益,建立“优质、高效、低耗”的铁路基建工程物资管理工作流程。本文从物资管理工作流程的角度研究铁路基建工程。首先对现行组织机构所存在的指令路径过长、运行困难等弊端进行了研究分析,得出其产生的原因为:物资设备分离、科长任命制等;然后对现行铁路基建物资管理工作流程进行分析,得出其存在C类物资管理失控、物资管理人员脱离现场、无反馈机制等诸多问题;紧接着运用管理学原理,采用理论与实际相结合的方法进行了分析研究,提出在各部门之间建立横向联系、物资设备合并、C类物资集中采购、物资管理贯穿工程始终、建立并运行PDCA循环等优化方案,建立了全新的铁路基建工程项目物资管理工作流程,以改正现行工作流程的种种弊端。最后以南仓编组站东端疏解工程项目物资管理工作流程为例,研究并讨论了新的工作流程对基建工程物资管理所起到的作用。最终得出结论:优化的工作流程完全能达到预期的效果,可为其他工程所借鉴。

【Abstract】 Making the unique materials management system -" the owner responsibility system, the bidding and tendering system, the contract management system, quality supervision system," play its huge benefits on many areas such as optimizing the allocation of resources, ensure the supplier’s quality, lower purchase costs, control project consumption, improve efficiency and engineering cost savings, people should establish a "high quality, high efficiency, low power consumption," railway infrastructure materials management workflow. This paper discussed the railway infrastructure projects by perspective the management workflow of goods. First of all, I studied and analysis the current system and found it existence some defects, like the organization Directive path is too long and difficult to operate and so on. One of the reasons for this is material separated from the equipment and appointments of the Chief. Then I analysis the existing management workflow of the railway infrastructure materials, and found its existence some problems like without good control of category C material, material managers away from the scene, without question feedback method and many other system. I analysis the current system by Management theory and Linking theory with practice then I proposed optimization programmer: establish horizontal linkages in the various sectors, make materials and equipments to be one part, purchase category C material Centralized, materials management of the project has always been during the project, to establish and run the PDCA cycle, and so on. The establishment of the new materials management workflow of railway infrastructure projects is very important for correct the existing workflow drawbacks. At last take the materials management workflow of Marshalling Yard final positions south of the eastern end of relief supplies project for example I researched and discussed the role of the new workflow management in the infrastructure projects.Then I made the ultimately concludes: the optimization work processes can be fully achieved its desired effect and can be referenced in other projects.

【关键词】 物资管理工作流程对策优化
【Key words】 material managementworkflowoptimizationcountermeasures
  • 【分类号】F530;F252
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】491

