

Rural Roads and Rural Industries Aggregation Model and the Construction of Small Towns of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

【作者】 杨晓辉

【导师】 黄承锋;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的快速增长、“三农”问题的日渐突出以及农村公路交通设施的逐步完善,对农村公路发展的研究日益增多,但是以农村公路带动产业聚集及小城镇建设方面目前尚无成熟的理论可以借鉴。因此,本文在分析了国内农村公路及小城镇发展的现状,结合国内外相关理论理论研究的基础上,依托国家社会科学基金项目《三峡库区农村公路与“三农”关系研究》,以发放问卷和访谈的方式,走访了重庆地区的三条具有代表性的道路武隆县武仙路、万梁高速公路建设辅道、巴南区接龙到姜家的道路。本文在对三峡地区农村公路及小城镇的特点分析的基础上,针对三峡库区特殊的地理环境及丰富的旅游和农产品资源,结合交通经济带理论、增长极理论、空间结构理论等,利用典型调查的方法获取了相关资料和信息,从沿“线”和沿“交叉点”两个不同的角度出发,运用双差异分析法,比较了库区农村公路建成前后对沿线人口和产业的聚集的影响,并从定性分析的角度,论证了农村公路的建设对当地劳动力和企业的吸引、对沿线居民的生活状况的提高、对当地旅游业和农产品加工业、对城镇基础设施建设等方面的积极影响,并由此得出农村公路对产业聚集及小城镇建设的影响机制。最后,本文从如何加强农村公路网布局,如何以农村公路为依托加强产业聚集,加快小城镇建设方面给出了一定的建议。

【Abstract】 As well as the the impact on regional economy that caused by developmengt of highway. " Three Rural Issues ", and highlighted the growing problem of road transport facilities in rural areas ,the gradual improvement of the rural road development on the growing, but the rural highway driven industries and the construction of small towns gathered At present there is no mature the theory that we can draw on.This paper relies on the State Social Science Fund Project《The Research on Relations of Three Gorges Reservoir Area of Rural Road and Three Rural Issues》.We visited three representative road in Chongqing: Wuxian road in Wulong , Voeux Road of Wanliang Highway, road from Bana District to Jiangjia by disseminate the questionnaire and interviews.According to the characteristics of the Three Gorges region of small towns and rural highways , the paper cited Three Gorges reservoir area for special geographic environment and abundant tourism resources and agricultural products,combined with economic theory traffic, growth pole theory, the theory of spatial structure and so on . The paper use typical survey methods to obtain the relevant data and information. From the line and the intersection two different angle embarking, the paper utilizes the double difference analytic method, and compared with the storehouse district countryside road to along the route the population and the industrial accumulation influence. From qualitative analysis’s angle, the paper has proven the construction of countryside road to local labor force and enterprise’s attraction, to along the route resident’s living condition enhancement, to local tourism and ventures in agroindustry, to cities infrastructural facilities positive influences, and obtained influence mechanism of the countryside road from this to the industrial accumulation and the small town construction.Through analysis, this paper has given a certain proposal, for example how to strengthen the rural road network,s layout, the industry agglomeration and how to speed up the construction of small cities and towns.

  • 【分类号】F542;F327;F299.27
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】191

