

On Fund-raising of School’s Civil Liability for Student’s Injury

【作者】 李传茂

【导师】 张玉堂;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 教育管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 学生伤害事故处理经费筹措难已成为阻碍事故纠纷有效解决、素质教育全面实施的重要因素。由于各地经费筹措主体的缺失、筹措机制的差异性和学校办学经费来源的依赖性,加深了学生伤害事故处理经费筹措的难度,使事故纠纷久拖未决,学校和学生的合法权益难以得到有效保护,不少学校不得不采取一些消极的防范措施,严重影响了教育事业的健康发展。有鉴于此,开展学生伤害事故处理经费筹措的研究具有重要的意义。本研究分五部分。运用访谈法、文献综述法、调查分析法和个案分析法等研究方法,从制度设计的角度,对建立由基金委员会负责筹措学生伤害事故处理经费,实现救治、援助和保险同步的新机制进行了探索。第一部分是问题的提出。通过列举典型案例及界定有关概念,分析事故纠纷现状和办学经费现状,阐述研究的意义,并介绍研究方法;第二部分是理论研究与法规政策现状及其问题;第三部分是基金委员会筹措经费的初步设想。在介绍基金委员会的性质、宗旨与责任的基础上,分析了由基金委员会负责筹措经费的必要性和现实性,并对其意义进行论述;第四部分是基金委员会筹措经费运行研究。分三个阶段:第一阶段由市、县财政按比例拨款,第二阶段由财政拨款、社会捐助同步筹措,第三阶段以社会捐助为主要来源;第五部分是基金委员会筹措经费的规范。对经费筹措运作行为规范及责任追究进行了明确。

【Abstract】 The problem that it is hard to raise funds for students’campus injuries has become an essential reason that blocks the effective solution of accident disputes and the comprehensive implementation of education for all-round development. The lack of local subjects for fund-raising, the difference of local fund-raising mechanisms, and the financial dependence of school funds make many accidents can’t be solved promptly and successfully. Therefore, legal rights and interests of schools and students can not be protected effectively. Some schools have to take some negative preventative measures, which badly affect the healthy development of education project. According to this, it is of great significance to study the fund-raising of schools’civil liability for students’injuries.This study consists of 5 parts. From the perspective of the system design, this article explores how to build a new mechanism for raising funds by funds committee to fulfill the purpose of treats and cures, the aid and the insurance through the ways of interview, literature review, survey, and case study. Part One is raising out problems, including the enumeration of typical examples, clarifications and definitions for concepts, the analysis of present situations of both accident disputes and schools’funds and outlay, the significance of this study and research methods. Part Two focuses on the theoretic research,the present existing laws and regulations and policies and some problems arising from them.Part Three is assuming a preliminary idea that constructs a fund committee to raise funds. Based on the introduction of the nature, objective and responsibility, this part discourses upon the necessity, possibility and meanings of the new mechanism. Part Four is about how to raise funds by fund commitment. This part is divided into three steps: Proportional fund allocation of the city or the county for schools, financial allocation and the social donation operate together; social donation is the main resources of fund. Part Five is about the fund-raising rule of the fund committee, which is composed of the importance of establishing the rule, items of the rule and the liability for fund-raising.

【关键词】 学生伤害基金筹措管理
【Key words】 students’injuriesfund-raisingmanagement

