

On the Research of the Features and Styles of the Bashan Folksongs

【作者】 笪勤

【导师】 徐行效;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 音乐学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 本论文基于传统音乐学、音乐美学、声乐学、曲式结构学、民俗学等学科的基础上,结合丰富的田野调查,以巴中地区的民歌为素材,从不同角度对巴山民歌特征及歌唱风格进行分析研究,试图透过巴中地区民歌的表面形态深入挖掘其文化内涵,同时也对保护和传承巴山民歌进行了分析和思考。全文共分五章:第一章绪论,以论题的意义与论题的研究现状为导入,并简述了论题的完成过程。第二章,对巴山地区的人文环境、自然环境、民俗文化以及巴山民歌的产生、流传与发展,予以综合考察和分析。在第三章中对巴山民歌的体裁分类特征进行了分析,着重考察了民歌的外部形态和外部规律,同时从一个作品一个歌种的思考分析,逐步提升到整体结构的宏观综合。第四章巴山民歌的歌唱风格特征论述中,从巴山民歌的歌词、唱腔、曲调三个方面考察了巴山民歌的内部形态和规律,揭示了巴山民歌深层次的形态特征。第五章探讨了析归纳了巴山民歌日益衰亡的社会原因,并对于如何保护、发展巴山民歌提出了相应的建议。

【Abstract】 According to the field research and with the material of the folksongs of the Bazhong district,this paper,on the basis of the traditional Music, Music esthetics, vocal music study, musical form theory of structures, ethnology and so onmainly focuses on the analysis of the characters and styles of the Bashan folk songs from different apects. The aim is to dig the cultural connotation from ideology of the folksongs in the district of Bazhong as well as protect and inherit the heritage for more analysis and consideration.This paper contains 5 parts: the first part is the introduction which leads in the central ideas by means of showing the significance and the current situations of the topic. Moreover, it described the completion process of the topic. Next,the second part gives a comprehensive research and analysis of the human,natural and folk culture and the origination,spread and development of the Bashan folksongs. In the third part,analysis is used for the division of the genre and the aesthetic characteristics, and it puts more emphasis on the outer form and law. At the same time, the analysis comes from a certain works and song in order to improve the integrating structure and comprehension. The fourth part, however, is the discuss of the styles of the Bashan folk songs, and the paper mainly investigates the inner form and law through 3 aspects: line, intonation and tune, which reveals the deep forming features of the Bashan folk songs. The last part discusses and generalizes the social reasons why Bashan folk songs decline gradually and advice is given to protect and develop the Bashan folk songs.

  • 【分类号】J607
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】222

