

The Fang Hu Tuan of the Dominant Zone of Kuomintang in the Period of the War Against Janpan

【作者】 黄辛建

【导师】 侯德础;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 以防空救护为主要任务的国统区防护团产生于1930年代,随着抗战的爆发和逐渐深入而发展变化。本文以抗战时期国统区防护团为研究对象,以大后方省会城市成都防护团为范例,拟从防护团的产生和发展着手,将重点放在民国时期防护团的组织、人事和经费以及团员构成、训练和抚恤上,对战时国统区防护团的史实做一番梳理。同时,鉴于防护团从产生的那一刻起,便和抵御日军侵袭结合在一起,为抗战胜利做出了不可磨灭的贡献,因此,本文还试图对抗战时期国统区防护团做出一个客观的评价,以加深对其的认知。本文分为以下几个部分:一、回顾相关研究成果并介绍本文研究的必要性,解说本文的研究方法与资料情况。二、探讨战时国统区防护团的产生,并介绍防护团的发展历程,以期对防护团的历史有较为清晰的认识。三、简述抗战时期国统区防护团的组织、编制和经费。四、介绍抗战时期国统区防护团的团员构成、训练和伤亡抚恤。五、对抗战时期国统区防护团进行评价。六、总结全文,同时指出本文的不足。

【Abstract】 In this article, we studied the Fang Hu Tuan of the dominant zone of Kuomintang in the period of the war against Janpan. The Fang Hu Tuan set up in 1930’s. With breaking out and going deep into of the war against Janpan, the Fang Hu Tuan developed constantly also.This thesis altogether is divided into six parts:Part one: Reviews the correlation research results, and illustrartes the research techniques and the literature origins.Part two: Mainly discusses the Fang Hu Tuan’s arising and develepment of the dominant zone of Kuomintang in the period of the war against Janpan.Part three: Describes the Fang Hu Tuan’s organization, personnel and treasury of the dominant zone of Kuomintang in the period of the war against Janpan.Part four: Elaborates the member’s source, training and compensate of the Fang Hu Tuan of the dominant zone of Kuomintang in the period of the war against Janpan.Part five: Critic the Fang Hu Tuan of the dominant zone of Kuomintang in the period of the war against Janpan.Part six: Summarizes the major points of this article and simultaneously points out insufficiency of this thesis.


