

Design and Development of Photography Teaching Software Based on Web3D

【作者】 俞蝶琼

【导师】 黄堂红;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 虚拟现实是当代信息技术应用的重要发展,而信息化提高这一新的教学形态的出现获得了施展功用的天地。Web3D作为虚拟现实技术的主要代表之一,克服了以HTML技术为主的限于二维空间、沉浸感不强的缺点,以良好的三维性、灵活的交互性以及对硬件资源要求的简易性等优点而被广泛应用。目前Web3D在自然科学、历史旅游、医疗等学科的应用已经取得了一些令人瞩目的成就,但在诸如摄影等艺术类学科结合应用的还比较少。将Web3D应用在摄影教学中能缓解摄影教学中教学设备不足、缺乏实践操作及教学资源真实性、交互性不强等问题,使得技术与艺术有效的结合,对Web3D较少涉及的艺术类课程领域进行应用的尝试。基于摄影教学的需求及Web3D的特性,笔者深入分析和探讨了Web3D技术在摄影教学软件设计与开发中的相关问题。第一章在考察现有摄影教学存在的问题和不足的基础上,简要阐述了Web3D的功能特点及在教育领域的应用优势和现状,提出了开发基于Web3D的摄影教学软件的可行性和必要性,并在此基础上阐明了本论文的研究目标和内容。第二章阐述了基于Web3D的摄影教学软件的设计与开发过程中所需要的指导理论、关键技术和设计开发原则,为摄影教学软件的设计与开发提供理论依据和技术支持。第三章以上述教学理论和设计开发的原则为依据,结合摄影课程的特点和实际需要,提出了基于Web3D的教学软件的设计思想,并在此基础上对摄影教学软件的结构、功能和教学策略进行详细设计。第四章在综合分析个人开发能力和Web3D的几大主流技术的功能特点的基础上,采用了3DMAX构建3D模型和场景,运用Eon Studio进行功能的交互设计,结合其他多媒体以网页的形式进行合成发布,对所设计的摄影教学软件进行了开发与实现,并对开发过程中的注意事项进行了分析和研究。第五章对本次开发的摄影教学软件的应用环境和应用效果进行了说明,并将其在网络和课堂两种教学环境下进行试用,对其实用性与科学性进行了调查,将调查结果进行了分析和总结,以便对软件进行进一步的改进。第六章总结了本次论文所做的工作、创新点以及不足之处,力求找到下一次的研究方向和工作重点,为以后的研究做出了美好展望。

【Abstract】 Virtual actuality is an applied important development of contemporary information technique in nowadays, and the information-based education of this new education mode emergence make it even acquired interspaces of display.The Web3D is one of the realistic technical and main representatives of conjecture,it overcame to regard technique of HTML as principle of be limited by two planar and sink to immerse the feeling not strong etc.weakness.hand over with good three-dimensional and vividly with each other functions and to simple of the hardware resources request.The Web3D is get the compelling of accomplishment as the application for natural science, annals tour, medical treatment, etc. nowadyas, but it is lack the apply as photography teaching’s art area combine. It can catabatic the problem like lack the photography teaching teaching equipment, absence the handle of carry out and the realised teaching resourse, unstrong enmeshed feeling, etc. Then let the art and technical’s effort combine, also it attempt the apply as art course area which the Web3D has less refer.Base on the demand of photography teaching teaching and the Web3D’s characteristic, writer explores and analyzes the problems of Web3D in designing and developing photography teaching softeware.First chapter, on the basice of question and lack as review the photography teaching teaching, totally expatiate the Web3D’s effort characteristic and the application advantage and actuality in the teaching area, advance the doable and essential for the photography teaching teaching software empolder based on Web3D and explore this paper’s content and study aim.Second chapter, expatiate the nessary as deign of photography teaching software and the empolder process’s gulidline, important technical and design rule which are based on Web3D, it is support the exoterica according for technical as design of photography teaching software and open out.Third chapter, according to the teaching exoterica and design with open out’s rule as above. It is combine the photography teaching course’s characteritic and practice need, advance the design mind as Web3D basic teaching software and develop the design as configuration, effort and teaching policy for photography teaching softeware.Four chapter, Based on the totally analysis the personal open out ability and Web3D’s main technical charactertic, adopt the 3DMAX to make the 3D model and scene, use the Eon Studio to make the effort the design, then issue as web site to through the other media to open out and realised the designed photography teaching software, also analysis and disquisition the advertent proceeding during the open out.Five chapter, It is list and explain the apply envorience and effort for photography teaching software, and test on the two envoriemnet as web and class, Research the practicability and science, through the anlysis and sum up the result in order to fitting the software step by step.Six chapter, It is sum up the discourse’s work ,lackness and creative, want to find the next anlysis way and important point to make the much more becatufe future.


