

Planning and Simulation of Auto Sales Logistics Distribution Center Based on Witness

【作者】 鄢长文

【导师】 冯刚;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工业工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国汽车业在经历了21世纪初期高速发展后,汽车生产厂家陆续扩大了生产能力。今天,中国汽车业已然开始面对产能过剩的局面,市场竞争日趋激烈。市场竞争的发展早已过了只是相互间产品竞争的阶段,服务开始受到前所未有的重视。如何更快的对顾客的需求产生响应,缩短顾客的等待时间,提高顾客的满意度,并减小销售终端面临的风险与压力,降低整个系统的成本,从而提高系统的竞争力,日益受到市场的关注。建立汽车配送中心是国内越来越多厂家的选择。配送中心的建立可有效缩短用户的等待时间,但对于具体的用户等待时间长度,国内涉及这方面的研究还不是太深入系统。本文借助Witness物流仿真软件,对这一问题进行仿真研究。本文首先简要介绍了国内外物流配送中心选址方法的研究状况,以及仿真技术在物流配送中心方面的应用状况。其次,调研了物流配送中心规划的选址算法,分析了各种选址算法的特点。针对规划中配送中心的实际情况,选择了适合于汽车销售物流系统配送中心实际的一种选址算法,完成了配送中心选址的计算工作。并结合配送中心选址时需要考虑的其它因素,对选址结果进行进一步的分析,确认了合适的选址方案。库存规划是配送中心规划的一个重要内容,在结合实际的基础上,选择了合适的库存规划算法,计算了不同缺货率水平下的库存订货点,并在分析对比的基础上,确定了较优的订货点。为定量分析在配送中心运作后整个物流系统对顾客需求的响应时间,本文采用对系统进行了仿真研究的方法。物流配送系统是典型的离散事件系统,在分析了离散事件系统特点基础上,对系统做出了必要的简化与抽象。为了真实模拟顾客需求等待时间,根据实际情况,用Poisson分布来描述顾客随机需求的到达特性,并计算不同销售量下的Poisson分布的参数。最后利用Witness系统仿真软件对销售配送中心物流系统进行具体建模仿真,得到了在一定规则条件下,不同地点、不同销售量城市顾客订单的平均等待时间,为同类型规划提供了较客观真实的参考数据。

【Abstract】 After the rapid growth of Chinese domestic automobile industry in the early 21 st century, many automobile companies have expanded their manufacturing capacity. Today the automobile industry is facing the emerging fact of productivity surplus, and the market competition is becoming more furious. The market competition has surpassed the period that product is the only focus. Service is playing an unprecedented important role. How to response faster to customer’s demand, reduce the risk and pressure of the sales terminal, cut off the whole cost of system, thus enhance systematic competitive ability is getting more and more concern. The establishment of distribution center is a main approach of the industry.First the thesis introduces the method of distribution center location of domestic and overseas and the application of simulation in distribution center.Secondly, the main algorithm used in distribution center location is discussed and the characteristic of each algorithm is analyzed. Then the thesis chooses one of the algorithm in consideration of the features of auto logistics distribution center and completes the calculation of location. After this, a further qualitative analysis is made concerning the location and the final result of distribution center location is achieved. Inventory planning is an important content of distribution center planning. In consideration of the fact, a proper algorithm of inventory planning is chose and the order level at different shortage rate is figured out. Based on comparison, the proper order point is determined.Thirdly, in order to analyze the reaction time when the distribution center goes into operation, the method of simulation of discrete event system is adopted. Necessary hypothesis and simplification is made in order to build the model after the characteristic of discrete event system is analyzed.At last, poisson distribution is adopted to describe the stochastic arrival of customer’s demand. The parameters of poisson distribution at different sales volume are calculated. Then the model of sale logistics distribution center is build using Witness, a systematic simulation software. By this method, the average customer’s waiting time of different city sale terminal is obtained, which provides objective reference data for similar distribution center planning.

【关键词】 配送中心选址库存规划仿真Witness
【Key words】 Distribution CenterLocationInventory PlanningSimulationWitness
  • 【分类号】F426.471;F252;F224
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1278

