

Research on West Three Flags Housing Project Marking Strategy of Beijing Centaline Co., Ltd

【作者】 高笑语

【导师】 曲洪敏;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的发展,城市化进程的加快,房地产业已成为国民经济发展中的基础及支柱产业,房地产市场也不断发展。房地产市场在体制完善的过程中,逐渐走向良性发展轨道,而房地产开发项目也在日益成熟的市场中面临着竞争与挑战。当前市场竞争的日趋激烈,市场环境的日益复杂,房地产开发项目的营销战略往往成为项目成功的关键。而实际上在房地产开发项目的营销中往往还存在许多偏离,没有明确的营销战略原则和方法作指导,开发商盲目地进行炒作概念。这不仅造成房地产市场的紊乱,也严重影响了开发商的盈利。因此,开展房地产开发项目营销战略问题的研究具有十分重要的理论和实践意义。当代社会进步与国民生活水平的提高,消费者对房地产产品需求呈现出多元化的趋势。如舒适、便捷、绿色环保、社区氛围等居住因素,地段、升值潜力等投资因素相继纳入消费者考虑范畴。相应的房地产发展商在努力提供质优价廉的产品时,还应当努力提高自身企业的技术与产品的创新力和市场营销力,并且持续地进行营销理念创新和营销手段创新,不断增强市场影响力,以在未来竞争激烈的房地产市场上生存发展。本文全面分析北京西三旗住宅项目所遇到的问题及其解决方法,在详细的区域市场调研的基础上,充分了解客户群的消费取向、心理特征、生活形态,并以此作为项目的开发基础,通过竞争项目供需分析,市场细分找到了北京城建集团西三旗住宅项目目标市场。通过营销战略将市场内的潜在需求达至最大化有效需求,增强目标客群对本项目的归属感及满足感,从而建立项目的竞争优势,实现了土地价值最大化,树立品牌效应,赢得良好的经营业绩及社会效益。

【Abstract】 As society economy development and the high speedy of urbanization, real estate industry is becoming the basement and support industry of the national economy developing , real estate market enlarge also. Gradually, the real estate market benign to go to the perfecting orbit during the real estate system completed, but real estate project faces competition and challenge. Current market competition gradually be fierce, the environments gradually complicated, the marketing strategy sometimes becoming successful key of project for real estate develops. Actually some projects existed departure in real estate sometimes, no clearly marketing strategy and method guidance, the developer doing some commercial speculation. All of that not only affected the estate industry disorganized but also affect the developer’s profit. So it is very important for the estate industry project marketing strategy not only for the theory but also for the practice.Based on the society development and the civil living level improved, the consumer requirement for the real estate production appears diversification. For example, Comfortable, advantage, environment, and the community had become the key issue for living. The site and increase in value issue became the consumer thinking category. So the developer is working hard to supply the cheap and good quality building for consumer, and at same time the developer continually to innovate the sales operating strategy and the instrument of sales, and strengthen the affections for the marketing gradually, so the developer can exist and development in the completely real estate market.This paper full scale analyzed the problems of the Beijing Xi San Qi Project and supply the resolved method, the author do a lot of research and realized the customers consume, psychology, and living shape, all of all above is the basement of the project. The author analyzed the complete project and marketing segmentation and found the target marketing select the Beijing Cheng Jian Group Xi San Qi Project. Used the marketing strategy affect the potential demand maximum, fierce the target consumer satisfied, and established the competed dominance, realized the field value maximum, build up the famous brand affection, and wined the perfect business and society and economic benefits.

  • 【分类号】F274;F293.3
  • 【下载频次】81

