

A Study on Carbon Dioxide Absorption Using the Alcohol Amine Solution

【作者】 盖群英

【导师】 张永春;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工业催化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 二氧化碳(CO2)排放问题所引起的温室效应是目前亟待解决的课题。以矿物燃料为主的火电厂是CO2的一个集中排放源,排放出的CO2量超过排放总量的30%,若能对其烟道气中CO2进行回收利用,则是一项既有良好社会效益又有经济效益的工作。采用醇胺溶液回收中低浓度CO2是一种传统的方法,也是最为经济的方法。本论文以制定更有效的吸收剂配方为目标进行了初步工作,为更深入开展这方面的研究建立了合理的实验方法,同时积累了必要的、有参考价值的实验数据。本文对AEE、AMP单组分溶液吸收CO2的吸收情况进行了考察;研究了CO2浓度与单组分溶液pH的对应关系,探讨了通过pH值法测定溶液中CO2浓度的可行性。实验结果表明:AEE作为一种新型CO2吸收剂,具有吸收速率快、吸收量大以及对温度变化不敏感等优点,具有很高的研究价值;醇胺溶液中CO2浓度在一定范围内,溶液pH值的变化与CO2浓度的变化成线性对应关系,可用方程pH=-IX+J来表示。对总胺浓度为40%(质量百分比)的AEE+MDEA和AEE+AMP溶液吸收CO2的吸收效果进行了考察,测定了溶液吸收CO2的吸收速率与吸收时间和吸收量的变化关系。总结认为两种体系的吸收液均表现出良好的吸收性能,适合工业应用,并分别考察了不同温度下吸收速率的变化。探讨了AEE与MDEA混合溶液在吸收过程中的交互作用。结果表明:在MDEA溶液中加入一定量的AEE,可以有效地提高体系吸收CO2的性能,在摩尔吸收比低于0.5时,溶液中AEE摩尔浓度每增加10%,E相应增加约20%,AEE+MDEA体系溶液在一定的摩尔吸收比的条件下存在交互作用,且交互系数随体系的摩尔吸收比的增加而降低。在磁力搅拌恒温加热的再生装置中,对醇胺溶液吸收CO2富液再生性能进行考察。结果表面:饱和的吸收液可以通过加热的方法进行再生,再生后的溶液可以继续吸收CO2,其中20%AEE+20%MDEA体系溶液经过四次吸收与解吸以后的解吸率可以达到99%。

【Abstract】 Greenhouse effect induced by the emissions of carbon dioxide(CO2)has been the most serious issue to be solved recently.Fossil fuel-based thermal power plant is a concentrated source of CO2 emissions,and it contains more than 30 percent of the total amount of CO2 emissions.If the CO2 containing fuel gas can be recovered,it would be beneficial both socially and economically.Using alcohol amine solution to absorption CO2 is a traditional and the most economical method.This article conducted preliminary experiments in order to develop more effective absorbents and accumulate necessary and valuable experimental data.The single component solution of AEE(or AMP)for CO2 absorption was investigated, and then the relationship between CO2 concentration and the pH of solution was also studied, finally,the possibility of measuring CO2 concentration by the method of pH was discussed. Experimental results showed that AEE as a new type of CO2 absorbers was worth to be studied.It had advantages of fast absorption rate、high absorption capacity and insensitiveness to temperature changes.When the CO2 concentration within a limitted range in the alcohol amine solution,the pH value of the solution changed linearly with the CO2 concentration change,which can be expressed by the equation of pH=-IX+J.Absorption rates of gaseous CO2 with absorption time and absorption capacity were measured in a 40%(wt)alcohol amine concentration aqueous of AEE and MDEA or AEE and AMP.And the absorption rates of the solutions at different temperatures were measured. It was found that both of the two systems showed good absorption properties,they are suitable for industrial applications.The interaction between AEE and MDEA mixed solution in the absorption process.The results show that addition of AEE could effectively improve the CO2 absorption performance of the MDEA solution.When the tool absorption rate less than 0.5,the factor of E increased by about 20%with the increment of AEE content by 10%.There will be interactions in one certain mol absorptance rate of the AEE+MDEA system,and the interaction coefficient decrease with the mol absorptance rate increase.In order to improve the efficiency of the CO2 cycling process and to reduce the regeneration energy consumption,it is necessary to investigate the regeneration behavior of the saturated alcohol amine solution.Results showed that saturated solution can be renewed through the method of being heating,the renewed solution could reabsorb CO2.The 20%AEE+20%MDEA system’s desorption rate reached 99%after four absorptions and desorptions cycles.

【关键词】 二氧化碳羟乙基乙二胺N-甲基二乙醇胺吸收再生
【Key words】 CO2AEEMDEAAbsorptionRegeneration
  • 【分类号】X701
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】673

