

The Design and Implementation of Bluetooth Hotspot Profile

【作者】 蔺福盛

【导师】 解永平;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 蓝牙技术是一种短距离、低功耗的无线传输技术,主要用于解决便携式设备的近距离无线互联,具有功耗小、成本低等优点,因此在日常生产和生活中得到了广泛的应用。蓝牙SIG发布了全球统一的蓝牙应用协议规范,并以其为基础发展出许多的蓝牙应用框架以满足各方面应用的需要。蓝牙现有应用框架中应用比较广泛的主要包括对象交换框架与头戴设备框架,这两个应用框架分别完成PC机与手机的文件通信和手机与蓝牙耳机的语音通信的功能。本文所要完成的工作是根据实际应用的需要设计和实现一种蓝牙热点框架,以满足人们对信息交互的要求。针对蓝牙热点框架可能的应用场合和应用方法,将热点框架的服务分为三种模式:即主动模式、被动模式和中转模式,并说明了热点框架的工作流程。由于蓝牙热点框架的客户端主要为手机、PDA等数据处理能力有限的移动终端,所以文中还针对这一情况规定了热点服务器与客户端间的数据通信格式。该数据格式尽量不以文件形式进行传输,以减少通过蓝牙传输的数据量,同时也减少手机处理的数据量。蓝牙应用框架必须以蓝牙底层协议栈为基础,而在Windows平台现在还没有可以直接用来进行上层开发的蓝牙协议栈,所以文中为实现蓝牙热点框架还在Windows平台之上实现了蓝牙底层协议栈中HCI协议、L2CAP协议、SDP协议和RFCOMM协议的部分功能,以满足蓝牙热点框架的实现要求。同时利用J2ME实现了手机中的客户端软件,以实现手机与PC机上的蓝牙热点服务器的信息交互。

【Abstract】 Bluetooth is a short-range, low-power wireless technology which is mainly used for wireless connection in short distance among portable devices. Because of the advantages of low power consumption and low cost, Bluetooth is widely used in production and daily life. Bluetooth SIG issued a global Bluetooth application protocol profile based on which many Bluetooth application frameworks was developed to meet the needs of various applications. The headset profile and the object exchange profile are more widely used, the headset profile is used to transfer voice stream between the mobile phone and earphone, and the object exchange profile is used to transfer file between the mobile phone and PC.This paper is to design and implement the new Bluetooth profile which will satisfy the needs of the information interactive. According to the possible applications and application methods of the Bluetooth profile, the service mode of the Bluetooth profile will be divided into three modes: the active mode, passive mode and transit mode, and the workflow of the Bluetooth profile was presented as well. As the client in the Bluetooth profile is mainly the mobile phone or PDA and other mobile terminals that have limited data processing capacity, the paper also provides the data format communicated between servers and client. The data format is not to transmitted in file format in order to reduce the data load transmitted through Bluetooth as well as the amount of data processed in the mobile phone. The application framework of Bluetooth must be based on the underlying protocol stack, but there hasn’t been Bluetooth protocol stack directly used for the upper development in Windows platform, so this paper also realized some functionalities of the protocol of HCI, L2CAP, SDP and RFCOMM which are the bottom protocols of the Bluetooth protocol stack to meet the demand of the Bluetooth framework. At the same time this paper also implemented the client software in the phone in J2ME platform to achieve the information interactive between the phone and Bluetooth server in PC.

【关键词】 蓝牙热点框架协议J2ME
【Key words】 BluetoothHotspot ProfileProtocolJ2ME
  • 【分类号】TN925
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】235

