

The Key Technologies in the Huge Underground Powerhouse of BLH Pumped-storage Hydroelectric

【作者】 陈彬

【导师】 吕建国; 李继跃;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国国民经济的发展,水电、铁路、公路、国防建设都有了很大的发展,地下洞室工程的应用也越来越多。近年来,我国在地下洞室工程理论研究、设计、施工、监测等方面有了较大的发展。目前我国建设抽水蓄能电站方兴未艾,特别是在西部大开发及抽水蓄能电站建设项目上,将越来越多地要建设大型地下厂房洞室工程。大型地下厂房洞室工程具有跨度大、边墙高度高、需分层开挖施工、与相邻洞室并列或纵横交错形成洞室群、洞室交岔口多等特点,其关键的技术问题需要在设计和开挖施工中加以重点研究和突破。本文通过现场试验,研究了地下厂房岩锚梁开挖施工技术、大跨度地下厂房顶拱层不良地质带处理技术,采用超前灌浆法、锚杆及湿喷钢纤维加钢筋肋拱混凝土支护方案,取代了钢筋混凝土衬砌方案,解决了地下厂房顼拱层不良地质带处理的关键性技术问题。通过振动测试技术和回归分析计算,研究了爆破地震波传播规律,据此制定大型地下厂房洞室工程开挖施工的爆破振动控制方案,并应用于工程实践,取得了良好效果,为同类工程不良地质段岩锚梁岩台成型开挖施工提供了可借鉴经验。通过研究工程监测技术在地下厂房设计施工中的应用,利用地下厂房洞室围岩变形实际监测成果,分析、评价了开挖过程中围岩的总体安全性和稳定性及施工步骤、程序、方法的合理性和所采用的支护结构的适宜性,为优化设计和施工提供了信息化指导。大型地下厂房洞室围岩具有张性破坏的特点,通过对围岩地层应力分布特点、硬岩破坏特性、围岩稳定安全判断准则研究,提出影响围岩安全稳定的张性破坏判断准则,分析、评价了开挖过程中围岩局部稳定性,用于工程实践,指导设计和施工,达到围岩安全稳定的目的。本文研究成果已应用于白莲河抽水蓄能电站地下厂房施工,取得了较好的效果,具有推广应用前景和工程的现实意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of China’s national economy, Utilities, railroads, highways and the building of national defense have a lot of development. Then the application of the Underground cavern project comes into wide use. In recent years,China’s underground cavern projects require researches, design, construction, monitoring, and there have been a lot of considerable development. At present, China’s construction of pumped storage power station is not in good time. In the background of great western development and pumped storage power plant construction projects, there will be more and more factories to build large underground cavern projects. Large underground powerhouse cavern has a large span and the sidewall height is high. Excavation of the needs stratification, and the adjacent caverns parallel or crisscross a chamber group, more than cavern cross section features, there are some key technical problems in the design and excavation need to be focused on the construction and breakthrough. Excavation’s needs in the design and construction should focus on breakthrough.In this paper, the actual test site is done. And we study underground powerhouse rock anchor beam technology to provide certain reference for similar projects of the rock anchor beam-forming rock excavation and construction in adverse geological conditions. Then I keep on the large-span roof of the underground powerhouse with adverse geological deal with the problem. The advance grouting method is used, bolt and wet spray and steel fiber reinforced concrete arch rib support programme replace the reinforced concrete lining programme. This solves the underground powerhouse of the crown with dealing with the adverse geological crucial technical problems. Vibration testing technologies and regression analysis is taken and the study of seismic wave propagation blasting. With this, the basis for the type of underground powerhouse cavern excavation works for construction blasting vibration control programme, and it is applied to engineering practice.We do research projects in the design and construction of the underground powerhouse of application by using monitoring technology.Using underground powerhouse cavern deformation from actual monitoring results, we analyze the safety and stability excavation of rock in the process of evaluating. Then the programme is finished by computers. In order to optimize the design and construction of the information the paper provided some guidance for design and constructionLarge rock underground powerhouse caverns have the characteristics of damage. Through the distribution of the stress surrounding rock formation, destruction of hard rock, rock stabilization of the security criterion study,the paper pointed out the criterion of the security and stability of the rock-destruction.It can be used for engineering practice, guiding the design and construction and then achieve the purpose of the security and stability of surrounding rock.The results of the theory in this paper is applied in Bailianhe Pumped Storage Power Station which is a construction of underground powerhouse. It revels that the results have sound effects. Therefore the method is of better value in engineering and teaching.

  • 【分类号】TV554
  • 【下载频次】95

