

Study on Legal System of China’s Land Reserve

【作者】 袁肖蕾

【导师】 忻梅;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 环境与资源保护法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国传统的城市土地使用制度是在计划经济时代所形成的,其基本特征是“无偿、无期限、无流动”地使用土地,土地的价值无法得到真实体现,并由此产生了种种弊端。在从计划经济向市场经济转轨的大背景下,建立土地储备制度是我国城市土地使用制度改革的必然选择,是我国城市用地制度的一次创新和变革,其主要目标在于通过政府垄断土地一级市场供应,增强政府对土地市场的调控能力,防止土地收益流失,规范市场秩序。土地储备制度的建立,很大程度上克服了计划经济时期国有土地使用制度中存在的弊端,较好地处理了市场经济条件下在土地使用问题上的国家管理与市场调控的关系,有助于实现政府对土地一级市场的垄断,稳定房地产市场乃至整个国家的经济局势,同时又体现了土地作为基本生产要素的市场属性,在其配置过程中引入了市场机制,使其价值得以真实体现。本文力图对土地储备制度作较为全面、深入的研究,重点是从法律的角度对土地储备的运行机制进行分析,探索适合我国国情的土地储备运行模式。本文除前言和结语外,共分为六章:第一章界定了土地储备制度的内涵并概括了其法律特征以及分析了其存在的法律基础;第二章概括总结了国外土地储备制度的模式特征及其对我国的启示;第三章对我国土地储备制度实践即产生的背景、具体内容以及作用进行了阐述;第四章对我国土地储备的运行机制进行了法律上的分析,包括对土地储备机构法律性质的分析和对土地储备中收购、储备、出让三个基本环节法律属性的分析;第五章分析了我国土地储备制度在实践中和法律上存在的主要问题,其中包括收购、开发、供应三个基本环节中存在的主要法律问题。第六章,在介绍和比较实践中我国土地储备的三种具体运行模式的基础上,提出应建立符合我国实际情况的政府主导型的土地储备运行模式;并有针对性地提出了完善我国土地储备法律制度的对策。

【Abstract】 The traditional urban land-use system in China was formed during the times of planned economy. Its basic characteristics were using land with no payment, no time limit, and no exchanging. Thus the value of land could not get real presentation, which brought about all sorts of problems. Under the general background of transferring from planned economy to market economy, to establish urban land reserve system is a necessary choice of reform of urban land-use system in China, and an innovation and reform of urban land-use system of our country as we ll. Its main objective is strengthening the regulating ability of the government on land market, preventing the loss of land profit, and normalizing the market through monopolizing the first level land market supply by the government.The establishment of urban land reserve system has greatly overcome the disadvantages lying in the state-owned land-use system during the times of planned economy, better handled the relationship between government administration and market regulation. It helps the government monopolize the first level land market, stablize the real estate market and even the economic situation of the whole country. At the same time, the system reflects the market attribute of the land as an essential productive element, for having introduced a market mechanism into its disposition process, the value of land can get a real presentation.This paper tries to make a comparatively thorough and deep study on the urban land reserve system, especially analyzing the operating mechanism of the land reserve from the legal point of view, exploring an operating model of the urban land reserve suitable for our country. The paper includes six chapters besides the preface and the conclusion: The first chapter gives the definition of the urban land reserve system and summarizes its legal characteristics and foundation; the second chapter summarizes the experiences of land reserve in foreign countries and what we can learn from them; the third chapter summarizes the main context of China’s land-reserve system and the background of establishing the urban land reserve system in China and the effects of the carring out the land-reserve system at the same time; the fourth chapter gives a legal analysis of the operating mechanism of the urban land reserve in China, including analysis of legal properties of the organizations of the land reserve and analysis of legal attributes of three elementary links of purchasing, reserving and selling in the land reserve; the fifth chapter points out the main problems existing in our country’s urban land reserve legal system;the sixth chapter introduces and compares three specific operating models of practical urban land reserve, and then puts forward a suggestion that a government-leading model conforming to the actual situation of our country should be established; to main problems ,the chapter raises some solutions to perfect China’s urban land-reserve legal system.

  • 【分类号】D922.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】334

