

Traveling Development Research of Wudalianchi Lake Scenery Scenic Spot Area Based on Traveling Life Cycle Theory

【作者】 刘楠

【导师】 杜国银;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 旅游管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 火山地质遗迹是在地球演化的漫长地质历史时期,由火山作用形成、演化并遗留下来的珍贵的、不可再生的地质资源。五大连池风景名胜区拥有罕见的火山地貌,优质的矿泉水资源,这些不仅在地质学发展史方面对人类有着重大意义,而且在自然美学和环境医学方面更具有独特的观赏和实用价值。笔者通过对五大连池风景名胜区的实地考察,发现其旅游发展还存在一些问题。不解决这些问题就难以实现资源的保护及其旅游景区的可持续发展。在此背景下,笔者希望借助旅游地生命周期理论,运用问卷调查、实地考察、查阅资料等相关研究方法,通过定性与定量分析判断五大连池风景名胜区所处的生命周期阶段,以此为根据提出有益于五大连池风景名胜区发展的开发策略,以实现资源的可持续利用。本文采用了层次分析法对五大连池风景名胜区旅游资源进行评价。在对五大连池生命周期进行判断时笔者借鉴了国内大多数专家学者的方法,通过分析旅游人数和旅游收入两项参数以及分析影响生命周期主要因素来对生命周期进行判断。确定生命周期后笔者对比分析了五大连池风景名胜区开发策略的效果与不足,提出了自己的一些相应的开发建议。

【Abstract】 The volcanic geological vestige is the non-renewable geological resources by the volcanism which evolves in the Earth forms, evolves and leaves behind preciously in the long geologic history time, Wudalianchi Lake scenery scenic spot area have the rare volcano landform and the high quality mineral water resources, and these not only have the great significance in the geology history aspect to the humanity, but also have unique watching and the practical value in the natural esthetics and the environmental medicine aspect. The author through the on-the-spot investigation of Wudalianchi Lake scenery scenic spot area, discovered there were also some problems in its tour development. On to realize if does not solve these problems, it will be difficult for the resources protection and the traveling scenic area sustainable development. Under this background, first through the tourist resources quantitative analysis the author discovered that Wudalianchi Lake scenery scenic spot area included twoⅠLevel scenic area ,twoⅡLevel scenic area and threeⅢLevel scenic area. The grade of these tourist resources is high, and it also has the good development potential. Then with the aid of the traveling life cycle theory, through the quantitative analysis and determines the nature of judging Wudalianchi Lake scenery scenic spot area, we can realize it is at the life cycle stage of the development phase at present. According to various stages of the contrast life cycle development strategy, we proposed: we could take“the mineral spring robust paradise world and the keeping in good health heaven---The Chinese·Wudalianchi Lake”as the whole localization of Wudalianchi Lake scenery scenic spot area,“the better healthy station”as the foreign image of Wudalianchi Lake scenery scenic spot area, and make the unique traveling brand.Take the sub-healthy community as the core goal customer, the region of“two countries and one city”(China, Russia, Heihe) as the foundation market, then gradually to the Northeast, the Southern and the Northern of China, Russia far east area, even all over the world. Simultaneously we can take the market strategy which is high to low, shallow by the deep drawing, and sightseeing traveling drawing by leisure. Take“The only of China, the first-class of World”as the localization of the traveling product, and promote the new traveling product.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】843

