

Look at Their World

【作者】 刘丹

【导师】 秦序;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 音乐学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 春秋战国时代,宫廷雅乐衰落,各国诸侯竞相“大其钟鼓”,金石之乐遂在战国初期于极盛。专供欣赏、享受的俗乐歌舞也迅猛发展,新风格、新类型音乐纷纷涌现,民间歌舞繁荣发展并形成鲜明区域色彩,琴乐得到独立发展,趋于成熟,标志上古以来的乐舞艺术登上令人赞叹的新高峰。这一高峰的出现,离不开音乐创造与欣赏的主体——人,尤其是“音乐人”。本文即探讨这一时期音乐人的组成、生存状态和艺术创造等活动,以揭示自由精神对艺术发展的决定作用。春秋战国的音乐人群体,具有不同以往的许多特征。一,与西周乐官承担的礼乐文化相比,此时音乐人种类增多,特别出现新兴士群体的音乐人、身份相对自由的民间音乐家,以及职业化的优艺人;二,“礼崩乐坏”的同时,音乐人群体人数增多,有名姓的民间音乐家的不断涌现,社会变革给音乐人的发展提供了广阔的空间;三,随社会生产力和商品经济发展,音乐出现商品化趋势,乐舞人成为市场流通的特种商品,甚至成为某地域的“土特产”;四,宫廷专职乐人、民间乐人、士群体音乐人之间交流增加,促进乐舞艺术的流通发展。在春秋战国特殊历史条件下,音乐人群体获得某种程度自由与解放,激发了音乐艺术的勃勃生机。这一时期音乐发展史证明,艺术家主体精神的充分发扬,才是音乐艺术繁荣的最重要的驱动力。

【Abstract】 During Chunqiu and Zhanguo Period, with the decline of the court ’elegant music’ (yayue), various duke countries under an emperor competitively " developed their chime and drum ", then the metal and stone music has prosperoused in the initial stage of Zhanguo period. The folk song and dance especially for the appreciating and enjoying rapidly developed, new style and new type music vastly emerged. Folk song and dance flourishing developed, and shaped vividly region color, Qin Music gained independently developed and gradually matured, symbolized the music dancing art has mounted to the new peak which one acclaim since antiquity.The appearance of this peak, cannot live without the main body of music create and appreciate-person, especially music person. This article mainly discusses on the composition, survival condition and artistic creation of music person in this period, in order to open up the free spirit to the artistic development decision function.The music person community of Chunqiu and Zhanguo period, has the different characteristics than previously. Firstly, compared with the music officer undertook the ritual music culture in XiZhou period, the kind of music person has increased in this time, especially the emerging of rising gentleman community, status relatively free folk musician, and professional mobile music person. Secondly, simultaneously the ritual collapses and music breaks, the music person community increased, more and more folk music person emerged. The society transformed has provided the broad space to the development of music person. Thirdly, along with the social productive forces and the commodity economy development, music has the commercialized tendency. The music person becomes the special commodity of market distribution. Fourthly, the intercommunion between the court full time music person, folk music person and the gentleman community has increased, promoted the circulating development of music and dance art.Under the special history condition of Chunqiu and Zhanguo period, music person community obtains certain kind of degree freedom and liberation, stimulated full vitality of music art. This time music history proved that fully developed spirit of music person is the most important driving influence of the prosperity of music art.

  • 【分类号】J609.2
  • 【下载频次】196

